Mar 2012
1 / 7
Mar 2012
May 2012

I've played a bit with oceans and making wave's and such, now I just wonder how do I get water to splash when the wave's hit objects? 

I can't seem to figure it out 

  • created

    Mar '12
  • last reply

    May '12
  • 6


  • 2.0k


  • 1


  • 2


The ocean is just a heightfield triack combined with a texture tahts all. No dynamic splashes as such.

14 days later

If you want "real" splash effects you might want to take a look at packages such as RealFlow.  
I also remember seeing it faked in Maya using particle emissions on collisions.  

29 days later

Where do I purchase or download (if it's free) RealFlow, can you post me a link to where you saw it with particle emissions?

21 days later

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