Hi Reader,

thank you......

me as a Python noob is creating a bending curve plugin.... maya 2013
build criticts are welcome.... me is learning here....:wink:

in the doIt.....
i just created objects, added own attributes, and filled 2 attributes with values

now i want to start using these values as starting values of my expression.....
so how do i get the vallue of that newly created instance into my expression.....

and still be able to create multible bending curves with each their own expression connected to that instance id...

mc.connectAttr(self.locRatioName + ".Radius", self.circAinpName + ".radius")
#mc.connectAttr(self.locRatioName + ".Ratio", self.locRatioName + ".translateY")
mc.connectAttr(self.locRatioName + ".Radius", self.locTopName + ".translateY")
mc.connectAttr(self.locRatioName + ".Radius", self.locTopName + "Shape.localScaleX")
mc.connectAttr(self.locRatioName + ".Radius", self.locRatioName + "Shape.localScaleX")

mc.connectAttr(self.locRatioName + ".Rotation", self.circAname + ".rx")

# now all objects are created, and some already connected...
# so now i want to add an expression, that allows me to have a bendCurve that is ready to animate, and make multiple instances from in the same scene...
# The... nr 12 in... float $exprRadius = 12 ;.... would need to read its value from....
# the newly created .....self.locRatioName + ".Radius"....... how do i do this.....

ioiExpress = mc.expression(name=self.exprName , s=' float $ioiPI = 3.14159265359 ;float $exprRadius = 12 ; ' )

# regular MEL example that i have running on my shelve.....
'''float $exprRadius = loc_Ratio_benCrv1.Radius ; '''

#how do i do this when i am creating the expression node in the ....doIt def.....????

'''float $exprRadius = ( self.locRatioName + ".Radius") '''
'''float $exprRadius = ( self.Radius ) '''

# ??????????

thank you.....

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