Poor bundle delivery
Date: | 12/01/2013 |
Submitted by: | raremanone |
The model, textures and animation are very well done.
However, the delivery of the model package has caused days of difficulty and frustration.
Firstly, the textures are absolutely referenced to at least three locations rather than being relatively referenced:
- //nonews/w/CG Works/3D Products/Horse/Maya/
- W:/CG Works/3D Products/Horse/Maya/
- F:/[CAT]_Mammals/Horse Maya/Horse_MB//
After that, I discovered a few missing files that are being referenced:
- //nonews/w/CG Works/3D Products/Horse/Maya/Horse_Spec_Exp.png (file127)
- W:/CG Works/3D Products/Horse/Maya/building_probe.hdr (file218)
Then, even after following all the instructions, it finally opened and renders in Maya 2014 Windows, but crashes when rendering on Maya 2014 Mac.
For an expensive model, being sold to a diverse range of users (not a commissioned work for one user), I found the delivered bundle was quite poorly prepared.
A few suggestions:
- Could you please supply the missing files
- Could you please give any ideas as to why it may be crashing when rendering on a Mac.
- Next time bundle the files so that they are easily adapted to the users system (relative file links).
- Avoid custom installed shaders that require manual install in future, or as others have suggested, provide two files – one with custom attributes and a simpler file in standard maya format.
Thanks for your assistance.
Replies to this question:
NONECG said about 11 years ago:
NONECG said about 11 years ago: