chrisgibbs reported a bug on DMM Baker for Maya Report 2016-08-05 16:57:30 UTC
Maya 2015 error
When I try to launch the plugin I get this error:<br /><br />launchUI()<br /><br /># Error: AttributeError: file <<maya console> line 16: ... (more)
chrisgibbs added a feature request to Autodesk Maya 2016 EXT 2/SP5 PoseReadDeformer for OS X 10.11 for Maya Report 2014-06-06 16:03:05 UTC
Will you compile a Windows version? If not, would you be willing to post the source code so I may compile for Windows? Thanks (more)
chrisgibbs posted in multithreaded /MD vs /MT in API Report 2013-09-24 16:47:57 UTC
Hello, I'm using an external library and I think it is creating a conflict when trying to compile. I've always compiled (as I was instructed to do... (more) -
chrisgibbs posted in VTK import plug-in recompile for 2013? in API Report 2013-09-24 16:40:28 UTC
ok:) (more) -
chrisgibbs posted in VTK import plug-in recompile for 2013? in API Report 2013-09-23 22:42:48 UTC
"If not, is anyone intersetd in bidding on doing it?"I'll do it, Gary. I'll pm you.Chris (more) -
chrisgibbs posted in Cycle on Compound Attrs in API Report 2013-05-27 16:59:27 UTC
I would create an output attr as an array that contains the outTranslate data. That way the data flows in one direction from input data to outpu... (more) -
chrisgibbs posted in Is there a way to find out how many paid Maya users are in the world? in API Report 2013-05-25 22:58:42 UTC
"PS: in any case i think the party is over. Maya, MAX, XSI have come close to EOL. In fact i think the entire idea of how we organize this stuff ... (more) -
chrisgibbs posted in Is there a way to find out how many paid Maya users are in the world? in API Report 2013-05-20 15:27:39 UTC
Jooja, do you want to chime in? (more) -
chrisgibbs posted in Is there a way to find out how many paid Maya users are in the world? in API Report 2013-05-19 23:17:04 UTC
ok so I looked at the the revenue which equals to 2.31 billion. 8 percent of that is attributed to the entertainment division which includes Maya ... (more)
Comment6 on bug