comz added 4 Easy Steps to Rigging a Character with Rigger as a favorite Report 2016-10-26 08:06:45 UTC
1. Prepare the model for rigging 2. Create a skeleton. Adjust the orientation of the bones to your liking or use the default settings. ... (more)
comz added 3D Paint NT for Maya as a favorite Report 2014-03-31 22:37:15 UTC
3D paint capability using artisan and... (more)
comz added Normal Map Based Baking Tool Version 1.0 for AO for Maya as a favorite Report 2014-03-31 22:31:35 UTC
This script can help to bake AO map base on normalmap details. (more)
comz added SRB - Eye Factory for Maya as a favorite Report 2014-03-31 22:26:16 UTC
Use this tool to setup an intuitive eye rig ... (more)
comz added enjoyMentalRayStringOptions for Maya as a favorite Report 2014-03-31 19:28:52 UTC
Offer latest mental ray features using string options without have to wait for Maya integrations. (more)
comz added Presets for mia material for Maya as a favorite Report 2014-03-31 19:27:26 UTC
Presets for mia_material_x and mia_material_x_passes with textures (more)
comz added HZrig for Maya as a favorite Report 2014-03-31 19:23:05 UTC
'HZrig' is a mel script basic rig pipeline for maya (more)
comz added CAMMY for Maya as a favorite Report 2014-03-31 19:22:19 UTC
Cammy - Simple camera rig (more)
comz added Camera and Object Positions to After Effects for Maya as a favorite Report 2014-03-31 19:18:18 UTC
Camera and Null Export to After Effects (more)