gangarone added Curvature for Maya as a favorite Report 2015-03-17 10:52:08 UTC
Display and rendering of surface curvature (more)
gangarone added cly_edgeSplitBevel.mel for Maya as a favorite Report 2015-03-17 09:46:09 UTC
split open selected edges. fine tune an mmb offset (more)
gangarone added FX Grow Selection By Edge Angle for Maya as a favorite Report 2015-01-13 15:51:25 UTC
This tool will grow polygon selection based on "Edge Angle", i.e. angle between normals of 2 polygons sharing particular edge. (more)
gangarone added Create Camera from Selected View for Maya as a favorite Report 2015-01-13 15:46:23 UTC
Creates Camera from selected camera view (more)
gangarone added Spherize Selection - Maya plugin (pymel) for Maya as a favorite Report 2015-01-13 15:26:42 UTC
Averages point positions based in 3D space in a circle position. (more)
gangarone added Spiralizer for Maya as a favorite Report 2015-01-13 13:37:11 UTC
Create a spiral of any shape! (more)
gangarone added Simple Pipe for Maya as a favorite Report 2015-01-13 13:35:03 UTC
1. Select Curves 2. Create Pipes 3. Real Time Edit! (more)
gangarone added Polygon Modeling Assistant Simple for Maya as a favorite Report 2015-01-13 13:33:09 UTC
The Simple version for Polygon Modeling Assistant (more)
gangarone added tube maker for Maya as a favorite Report 2015-01-13 13:31:13 UTC
simple script for making tubes quite fast (more)
gangarone added To Sphere for Maya as a favorite Report 2015-01-13 13:31:07 UTC
To Sphere is a script for spherical deformation (more)