gX3 commented on Spiral Along Curve for Maya by PhateX Report 2017-10-14 21:10:24 UTC
I have not installed the updates yet, but the original script works really well in Maya 2018 and MacOS(more) -
gX3 added a feature request to Spiral Curve Node and Cmd for Maya 8.5 to 2012 for Maya Report 2016-09-14 17:02:32 UTC
The maya 2017 UI is differently organized than in previous versions. The Edit Curves menu has been renamed to Curves. The Spiral Curve plugin does ... (more)
gX3 added a feature request to May9 - Maya custom tools and prefs for Maya Report 2016-03-08 16:08:43 UTC
option not ot modify the maya UI and preserve preferences when installing
When installing May 9 would it be possible to add the option not to modify the current maya UI? Z menu and the collection of plug ins you have are... (more)
gX3 posted in Has anyone compiled this plugin for maya 2016 and mac? in ZV Radial Blend Shape for Maya Report 2015-05-10 12:25:42 UTC
I was happy to see that the plugin now works for maya 2016 and mac. I quickly downloaded it, but unfortunately the mac plugin is not in the 2016 fo... (more)
gX3 added a feature request to ZV Radial Blend Shape for Maya Report 2014-07-07 19:06:34 UTC
gX3 reported a bug on arShake for Maya Report 2014-05-08 18:37:18 UTC
scripts/arShake_v012.py line 101: range() integer start argument expected, got float. # <br />floatField -edit -value `currentTime -query` MayaWind... (more)
gX3 reported a bug on Soft Cluster EX for Maya Report 2014-02-25 19:39:36 UTC
This is the feedback from the sript editor:<br />import softClusterEX<br /> softClusterEX.GUI()<br /># Er... (more)
gX3 reported a bug on Skin wrap for Maya Report 2014-02-25 19:22:58 UTC
gX3 added a feature request to prAttractNode for Maya Report 2014-02-25 18:39:26 UTC
instructions to run it from the python tab
Mac OSX + Maya 2014 I placed the prAttractNode.py file in the plug-ins folder and loaded the plug-in from the Maya plug-ins manager. I could make... (more)
gX3 added a feature request to CV Spiral & Helix Creation Tool for Maya Report 2014-02-21 20:26:16 UTC
it does not work in Maya 2014. I got these errors: // Error: line 1: Cannot find procedure "CreateSpiralHelix". // // Error: line 1: Cannot find... (more)
Comment on download