Iris heart
Iris heart commented on # Error: NameError: name '__main__' is not defined # by lee souder Report 2018-01-10 02:38:45 UTC
Iris heart:
<div>Just got this error, fixed it by deleting the runtime commands in the hotkey editor that were linked<br>with "ZhCG_PolyTools " do not run the ...
Iris heart posted in Custom Marking menu missing? in SimpleRig for Maya Report 2017-11-30 03:38:26 UTC
How to use the custom marking menus like you did in the video (more)
Iris heart commented on Missing Files by blackappskid Report 2017-10-10 21:23:11 UTC
Iris heart:
<div>I wouldnt trust this guy, hes pretty much asking you to blindly buy his stuff for $100/$200 or in a $250 bundle without getting to test out th...
Iris heart commented on Missing Facial and Biped files by Iris heart Report 2017-10-10 21:22:29 UTC
Iris heart:
<div>The Author 100% did thisĀ <span>delibrately makes me not trust him if thats how he is with miss leading titles</span> </div>
Iris heart posted in Missing FIles in PERSEUS FACIAL RIG for Maya Report 2017-10-10 21:19:02 UTC
I wouldnt trust this guy, hes pretty much asking you to blindly buy his stuff for $100/$200 or in a $250 bundle without getting to test out the aut... (more)
Iris heart commented on Its missing the rigging file by Iris heart Report 2017-10-10 21:16:39 UTC
Iris heart:
<div>This guy could be a scamer, I see this kinda stuff before with no real demo.</div>
Iris heart reported a bug on PERSEUS FACIAL RIG for Maya Report 2017-10-04 02:12:51 UTC
Iris heart reported a bug on Perseus Rigging for Maya for Maya Report 2017-10-04 02:06:39 UTC
Missing Facial and Biped files
<div>I tried to follow along with the video but the facial and biped files arent there, i cant test anything</div> (more)
Iris heart commented on Was working yesterday but stoped today by Iris heart Report 2017-08-29 10:41:09 UTC
Iris heart:
<div>Figured out that the issue was the userprefs inside of the the 2016's pref folder I replaced it with a backup and now everything wroks now</div>
Iris heart reported a bug on Graph Editor Redux, Digital Pose Test, MayaStylin' for Maya Report 2017-08-29 09:02:19 UTC
Was working yesterday but stoped today
<div>Was working yesterday but stoped today<br />Maya 2016, graph wont show up?<br />I didnt do anything new to my maya after installing<br /><a cl... (more)
Comment on bug