PixL posted in copy/paste keys in range in Python Report 2012-09-05 11:38:34 UTC
>> t=(14,)Your missing your end of range value.Perhaps this example will be useful:frameCopyStart = 0frameCopyEnd = 20rShoulder = 'ct_Shoulde... (more) -
PixL posted in Turn off stretchy limbs? in MooM Rig with GUI for Maya Report 2012-05-02 22:33:42 UTC
Possible?INCREDIBLE RIG. Thanks a lot. EDIT: Found the answer here: https://www.11secondclub.com/forum/viewtopic.php?id=14426 Python code to... (more)
PixL posted in Get Total frames and current frame in MEL Report 2012-03-21 02:47:06 UTC
I haven't used postRender scripts, but I use prerender scripts frequently.I use python to launch my batch renders - here is a python script that w... (more) -
PixL submitted the file pixLs FaceJointer for Maya Report 2011-08-10 18:55:34 UTC
A set of tools for use in facial rigging or any rigging involving a non-hierarchical skeleton. (more)
PixL added Eclipse Maya Editor as a favorite Report 2011-07-10 23:55:49 UTC
Use Eclipse as a Maya IDE (more)
PixL added Using Eclipse as a Maya IDE as a favorite Report 2011-01-18 17:09:09 UTC
PixL posted in Error on Open in Alice for Maya Report 2011-01-07 17:38:17 UTC
Wow, thanks for this model Joel.I opened it in 2011 and received this error:// Error: Object 'EEexprNameT' not found. //Don't know if it affects th... (more)
PixL posted in Trouble adding Locators to bindPose in Rigging/Character Setup Report 2010-12-31 17:09:51 UTC
I am adding locators to a skeleton. They are parents of joints, but not influence objects. I want them to work w/a bindPose. If the locators are ... (more) -
PixL added Shiny Woody Pattern for Maya as a favorite Report 2010-11-27 20:54:02 UTC
Simple shading network of a shiny woody... (more)
PixL submitted the file pixL_addParents for Maya Report 2010-10-27 00:53:13 UTC
Add a parent or a heirachy of parents above each object in a selection. (more)
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