Red9 posted in How to use mirror animation on advanced skeleton rig ? in Red9 Studio Pack for Maya Report 2014-09-24 08:00:25 UTC
You need to set the Mirror Markers up on the rig first : By default I don't ship any pre-set mirrorMarkers for an... (more)
Red9 posted in Cannot Install on Maya 2015 in Red9 Studio Pack for Maya Report 2014-09-22 03:06:53 UTC
No, Red9 is fully compliant with all builds, I did have a recent issue with a Linux user but that was in the way the sudioPack was built for the Ex... (more)
Red9 posted in 1st Steps... in Red9 Studio Pack for Maya Report 2014-02-21 02:38:45 UTC
If you've followed the tutorial on Vimeo where I add the mirror markers then you SHOULD have those mirror attrs on the controllers? You say you're ... (more)
Red9 posted in HumanIk Mirror setup in Red9 Studio Pack for Maya Report 2013-10-16 10:34:04 UTC
HIK is a pain and I'm taking a fresh look at how best to support it. Most of the setups will run with HIK, there's a preset in the hierarchy tab fo... (more)
Red9 reported a bug on Red9 Studio Pack for Maya Report 2012-09-26 11:35:26 UTC
Presets not dealing with MetaRog checkbox
This is in the v1.26 build and being patched at the moment. The presets didn't deal with the new MetaRig checkbox correctly. I'll update the releas... (more)
Red9 submitted the file Red9 Studio Pack for Maya Report 2011-04-19 20:20:07 UTC
A Powerful new pack aimed at speeding up workflow for animators and riggers (more)
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