When you duplicate the original sphere, you can choose to duplicate the incoming connections as well. This will leave you with a clone of the first... (more)
my guess is that "rotate" is just a parent attribute, it doesn't contain any data itself - it is simply the container for "rotateX", "rotateY" and ... (more)
This node is returning the closest position to the input position, but not the correct Vertex Index at that position...It does return the correct F... (more)
Looking for some advice on determining the area of a UV Shell. I plan to use this information to gather the total amount of amount of area and comp... (more)
anyone have problems with Layout UVs causing Maya to hang?I am trying to Unfold and Layout UVs for multiple objects using a simple script and Maya ... (more)
I am trying to call the "Unfold" command from within a script and running into some un-expected difficulties.It appears that directly passing in UV... (more)
You do not have to separate all your prodecures into separate files for maya to load them, you just need to tell Maya you want to load the Mel file... (more)
Can someone shed a little more light on the difference between Dynamic and Non-Dynamic Controls in the Attribute Editor? The documentation on edito... (more)
FYI - I tried a little experiment, I added 5 dynamic controls to the AElambertTemplate.mel file.
Sure enough, each Dynamic Control for an Attribut... (more)
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