trueman trueman
trueman trueman added a feature request to froXnormal for Maya Report 2016-09-22 03:33:52 UTC
It would be nice if this script could automatically assign textures as like default transfer maps does (more)
trueman trueman added Simple Pipe for Maya as a favorite Report 2016-09-22 03:07:42 UTC
1. Select Curves 2. Create Pipes 3. Real Time Edit! (more)
trueman trueman reported a bug on Simple Pipe for Maya Report 2016-09-22 03:03:18 UTC
Maybe it's native Maya problem but when my curve has corners pipe becomes distorted. <br />Moreover when number of sections is big enough it b... (more)
trueman trueman added FBpolyPlanarize for Maya as a favorite Report 2015-09-08 07:36:03 UTC
make components planar on X,Y,Z, or Best plane similar to 3dsmax (more)
trueman trueman added Maya to PSD for Maya as a favorite Report 2015-09-08 07:33:57 UTC
get the selected faces uv's and create a selection in photoshop (more)
trueman trueman added GT 3 Point Orient Axis v.0.0 for Maya as a favorite Report 2015-09-08 07:33:09 UTC
Sets a custom axis orientation based off 3 points (more)
trueman trueman added FW_orientTransformations for Maya as a favorite Report 2015-09-08 07:31:21 UTC
Orients Rotate and Scale manipulators on Move axis (more)
trueman trueman added tjh_cut_tool for Maya as a favorite Report 2015-09-08 07:30:25 UTC
cut the polygon tool (more)
trueman trueman added MakePlanar and SetNormal Tools for Maya as a favorite Report 2015-09-08 07:29:58 UTC
This script has MakePlanar and SetNormal tools (more)
trueman trueman added zannaAlign for Maya as a favorite Report 2015-09-08 07:23:46 UTC
Align objects or components (more)
Comment7 on feature request