ghandi666 posted in two quick batch render/mel questions in MEL Report 2011-01-06 15:08:18 UTC
thanks J. I found a workaround (renaming FG file thru COM commands in the batch) but still confused about sysFile. looking into shell foulup. (more) -
ghandi666 posted in two quick batch render/mel questions in MEL Report 2011-01-05 20:45:56 UTC
hello all. first off, i'm packing maya 2011 64 on a quad core in a Win 7 64 bit env. 1) I'm running into syntax errors while executing what looks t... (more) -
ghandi666 posted in broken "final gathering only" flag for MR command line in Rendering/Lighting/Shading Report 2010-08-12 14:34:26 UTC
thanks. i will use the -pre flag to get the desired results.the problem was i was referencing the documentation for rendering .mi files. oops. (more) -
ghandi666 posted in broken "final gathering only" flag for MR command line in Rendering/Lighting/Shading Report 2010-08-12 13:25:03 UTC
hey joojaa, thanks for the reply.i'm gettingĀ "invalid flag: -finalgather". (more) -
ghandi666 posted in broken "final gathering only" flag for MR command line in Rendering/Lighting/Shading Report 2010-08-11 22:33:01 UTC
hello all. I'm having a problem rendering out a final gather cache file for use in an camera fly-through.I'm used to writing a batch file with flag... (more) -
ghandi666 added a feature request to lyrid_normal_map for Maya Report 2009-11-09 15:28:21 UTC
hello. love your shader and have been using it successfully for over a year in maya 2009 sp1 x64. i'm having no luck with the shader in maya 2010 x... (more)
ghandi666 posted in latlong/js_panoramic + maya 2009 problems in Mental Ray Report 2009-10-07 22:58:00 UTC
i'm looking for a 360 degree MR lens shader for maya 2009. i've tried both the latlong and js_panoramic, but no dice.i've tried both of these shade... (more)
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