g0ll4m posted in How do I uninstall? in Nightshade UV Editor for Maya Report 2016-12-03 00:56:51 UTC
it runs extremely slow in 2016 ext 1 sp4, I need to revert to regular UV editor. But no where in the documentation does it say how to uninstall, i... (more)
g0ll4m reported a bug on Shape Animation Tool for Maya Report 2016-08-05 02:19:30 UTC
I installed everything and loaded the plugin, I add a geometry, but thats it, i can keyframe, but it won't show up in timeline as keyed, I click on... (more)
g0ll4m added a feature request to makeCorrShape for Maya Report 2015-01-07 15:58:37 UTC
can you provide a sentence explaining how we install this plug-in? beyond putting the .mll in the plug-ins folder. After loaded where is it? (more)
g0ll4m posted in My new animated film I made in my apartment. in General Industry Discussions Report 2014-01-22 23:57:41 UTC
Just wanted to share with everyone my new animated film. I spent the last year making it inside my studio apartment. I did everything on the film... (more) -
g0ll4m posted in mel script save scene file with shot number in MEL Report 2013-02-01 15:59:43 UTC
nevermind i got it. if anyone wants it{ string $text; // create a prompt dialog to request the users name string $result = `promptDialog -t... (more) -
g0ll4m posted in mel script save scene file with shot number in MEL Report 2013-02-01 14:58:41 UTC
can anyone educate me on a shelf button that when pressed prompts a dialogue box where automatically saves to a specific directory(without navigati... (more)
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