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Denny's Character MirrorTable Utility 1.8.0 for Maya (maya script)

Mirror any controllers and attributes in a character rig.

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  • 2015, 2014, 2013, 2012, 2011, 2010, 2009, 2008

Operating Systems

  • Windows


Last Modified:05/12/2015
File Size: 75.5 KB


mirror animation

Submitted by: zachdutoit zachdutoit
I can only get this to work per pose, but it does not apear to mirror all the animation.

Is it suppose to mirror the aninmation on the rig?

Replies to this question:

  • Denny Lindberg

    Denny Lindberg said almost 9 years ago:

    Hi Zach. This tool is only for mirroring poses. Mirroring animation is a very complex topic, especially if you want clean data that you can continue to animate with. There are a few ways to tackle it: 1. Insert keyframes on all frames and then mirror the whole sequence. Effectively baking a whole sequence. 2. Create a mirror rig which outputs a mirrored result. 3. (hardest) Mirror animation data. This is what people expect and is the toughest because it completely relies on how the character rig was created. If the rig is not mirrored in behavior, you can not simply "copy and paste" data between controllers. A tool would essentially have to mirror poses for each keyframe and use key reduction to try to clean up animation data. If you want to be able to mirror animations by baking down the result, I suggest creating a script that for every frame sets a keyframe. Then create a second script that uses the mirror table to mirror each keyframe.

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