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Jiggle Box Tool - Automating secondary motion 1.0.0 for Maya (maya script)

Automate secondary movement on characters and props.

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  • 2012

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Last Modified:01/19/2014
File Size: 12.1 KB


secondary, Rig


Empty UI Options Window

Submitted by: Kevin Anderson Kevin Anderson
hi there,
thanks for sharing, this looks very awesome!

 i'm following the steps on your website, but the Options Window has no steps or any info in it at all. selecting file > creating a shortcut icon doesn't do anything either.  I'm using Maya 2013, and i think i saved the scripts in the proper locations because the UI window appears, but when i run the i get this error:

# Error: ImportError: file <maya console> line 14: No module named jBoxUI

any help is appreciated 


Replies to this question:

  • Ayan Akbar

    Ayan Akbar said almost 11 years ago:

    Hi Kevin, Thank you for your mail and showing interest in my script. From what I have tested everything seems to be working fine in 2013. So here is what I think might solve your problem: 1) Option window empty means that only the script jBoxUI is being read by Maya. this means that the script might not have been pasted properly. I would suggest you to follow the instruction on the "READ_ME.txt" file present in the downloaded package. The instruction in this text file will be more updated and clear, as I have not updated my website for a while. I apologise If it might have mislead you. After re-pasting scripts file, restart maya just to be sure. I also notice you are trying to run the scipt by loading it in the script editor. which might also be the cause of no option window. After copying both the scripts in the correct path, type the following command under the python script tab : import jBoxUI import jiggleBox reload(jiggleBox) 2) As for the Icon make sure you paste it in the following path under the correct Maya version. C:\Users\XYZuser\My_Documents\maya\2013-x64\prefs\icons Also remember the icon is visible under the "custom" shelf only. I hope this resolves your issues. Thank you for taking out time and getting in touch. Lemme know if you face more problems. Regards Ayan
  • Kevin Anderson

    Kevin Anderson said almost 11 years ago:

    hi, Ayan thanks for the quick reply! Thanks for clearing up my confusion. After a lot of digging i was able to find the correct folders and Everything is now working fine! Thanks for your help, ps. how do you blend between manual control and auto control ? --Kevin
  • Replyindent
    Ayan Akbar

    Ayan Akbar said almost 11 years ago:

    I am glad it worked out for you Kevin. after you create a chain, you will see the bigger controller , named "[rigName]_JC_Jtentacle_main_Anim" has an attribute called "ManualDynamicBlend", 1 being fully dynamic and 0 being manual. Also remember every time you test the dynamics , start from the 1st frame, else you might get unexpected results. Hope this was helpful, happy animating :)

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