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PathFinder Home Edition 1.1.3 for Maya (maya script)

Pathfinder gives you the power to retarget an animation into a path, with no feet sliding!

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  • 2018, 2017, 2016

Operating Systems

  • Linux
  • Windows


Last Modified:06/27/2019
File Size: 60.7 KB


retarget, maya, animation


It doesn't work

Submitted by: Neputin Neputin
Each time I try to use it on one of my rigs the character is reversed and still walks in place. For example here

Replies to this question:

  • Felipe Ramirez

    Felipe Ramirez said about 6 years ago:

    Hello Neputin.
    Pathfinder will not make your character automatically walk if your animation is in place. This tool is an animation path retarget, meaning that you need a forward animation on your cycles. The sliding feet will depend on how good your original animation cycle is. After you properly set the forward motion, you can retarget the animation into a path with the tool.
    Im sorry for the misunderstanding, but its clearly said in the tutorial, please find it in the 0:50 time frame in the video at the bottom of this post.
    Here I talk about how the animation in the TRex is moving forward, I even show the Graph Editor with the infinity curves showing its moving in a direction.
    Also, when sending files to debug please attach the rig as well. Your .ma file has the rig referenced, and without the rig file, the scene shows empty. Another option is to do an Import Files from Reference in the Reference Editor, and save your scene with another name. In this case, the rig will be part of the scene and I will be able to open without the reference.
  • Neputin

    Neputin said about 6 years ago:


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