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Fazee_Rig 1.0.0 for Maya

humanoid type rig for maya

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  • 2008


Last Modified:08/27/2008
File Size: 1.78 MB
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  • wooverine

    wooverine said over 16 years ago:

    Fazil unintentionally marked this rig as Maya Version 8.x. This rig only works with Maya 2008. If you have Maya 8.x then you are out of luck. Plus the zip file seems to have all the necessary data but the Maya file comes in the not so friendly mb extension. No rating, since I could not open it in my Maya 8.x version running on both PC and Mac.
  • Rich Ponte

    Rich Ponte said over 16 years ago:

    I will have to try the rig on another system becuase of not having hair. Using hair for the rigs bind, I think is what is going on, seems overly complex for a less than needed reason. I messed witht he facial and there are to many controls, pull back the number of sliders and have some driven by others. Also a lower jaw that can translate and create an extremely mushy face would be really nice.
  • bhaskarnagendra

    bhaskarnagendra said over 16 years ago:

    very nice rig, thank you for your contribution
  • sublist

    sublist said over 16 years ago:

    Like it...
  • Nick_xu

    Nick_xu said over 16 years ago:

    Incredible rig,I like it very much!!

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