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The Andy Rig 1.4.6 for Maya

Generic/Customizable Character Made For Students

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  • 2008, 8.x, 7.x


Last Modified:08/27/2009
File Size: 9.27 MB


All textures render too shiny with Mental Ray apart from GirlVest ?

Submitted by: David Mattock David Mattock
HI, Im rendering with mental ray in maya 2011 and have realised that when the character has the "GirlVest" clothes applied it looks great but all other textures make the character really shiny and reflective only with mental Ray, and I cant figure out why .. any ideas ?

look at the screenshot, the woman on left is fine but rest are all shiny

many thanks.. and great rig !

Replies to this question:

  • David Mattock

    David Mattock said almost 14 years ago:

    Ive found that the specular roll off of all teh characters are set to "1" but when you use the girl vest material its set to "0" so that explains it..... .... But, Its tied into some conditional statements which Im not sure how to change as they are locked and yellow colour. The only solution for now im using is to break connections on the secular roll off and drag the slider to zero on each of the shaders... but this is not ideal. can anyone find out how to correct this properly ? many thanks

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