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May9 - Maya custom tools and prefs 1.10.9 for Maya (maya script)

May9 is a set of settings and tools for Autodesk Maya, from community user base.

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Last Modified:06/06/2016
File Size: 23.3 MB


Z-Marking menu not working

Submitted by: bosspanda bosspanda
When I first loaded up the new setup, everything worked fine, but after I opened Maya again the Z marking menu no longer works.  I've had to reinstall the preferences a few times, and it's still broken somehow.  Is there a fix for this? I'm using Maya 2016 on Windows 8.

Replies to this question:

  • Davide Alidosi

    Davide Alidosi said over 9 years ago:

    Hi bosspanda, this sound strange, look like Maya recreate the preferences when you open and close it. Try to do this: 1) close Maya end reinstall May9 2) check if work and close Maya 3) check all the May9 file that are engage by MMtoKey: - 2016\scripts\ > it must have line "import MMtoKey" - 2016\scripts > it must contain this folder "MMtoKey" - 2016\prefs\userNamedCommands.mel > it must have commands "MMtoKeypressNameCommand" and "MMtoKeyreleaseNameCommand" - 2016\prefs\userRunTimeCommands.mel > it must have commands "MMtoKeyPress" and "MMtoKeyRelease" - 2016\prefs\hotkeys\userHotkeys_May9.mel > it must have lines "hotkey -keyShortcut "z" -name ("MMtoKeyPressNameCommand");" and "hotkey -keyShortcut "z" -releaseName ("MMtoKeyReleaseNameCommand");" 4) Restart Maya Hope it help!
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    FormJune said over 9 years ago:

    uhm, guys, as I understood you fixed trouble? I just suppose it could be related with Maya's bug replacing hotkeys: it likes to replace user defined with standart ones from hotkeySetup.mel You can try to connect simple command to Z and try to make it work.
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    Davide Alidosi

    Davide Alidosi said over 9 years ago:

    This is strange I do not have change noting about Z Marking menu.
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    bosspanda said over 9 years ago:

    It didn't last, unfortunately
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    bosspanda said over 9 years ago:

    Reinstalled it and it's been working great with no issues so far, thanks!
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    Davide Alidosi

    Davide Alidosi said over 9 years ago:

    [quote=bosspanda]Yeah, I'm using 8.1 and SP3 as well. It's a strange one. I'm also using a student version of Maya, if that's a factor. Yes, they all show up in the script editor when it's not working. I do get an error when I try to use the MMtoKey resetter: // MMtoKeyReload; cmds.deleteUI('MMtoKeyBackground') reload(MMtoKey) # Error: line 1: RuntimeError: file line 1: deleteUI: Object 'MMtoKeyBackground' not found. # // Again, don't make solving this your week's project. It seems like an uncommon issue, and based on the info, it's probably something specific to my computer.[/quote] I've update silently May9 to make the MMtoKey resetter more powerful can you retry to use Z MM after a reset? TNX
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    bosspanda said over 9 years ago:

    Yeah, I'm using 8.1 and SP3 as well. It's a strange one. I'm also using a student version of Maya, if that's a factor. Yes, they all show up in the script editor when it's not working. I do get an error when I try to use the MMtoKey resetter: // MMtoKeyReload; cmds.deleteUI('MMtoKeyBackground') reload(MMtoKey) # Error: line 1: RuntimeError: file line 1: deleteUI: Object 'MMtoKeyBackground' not found. # // Again, don't make solving this your week's project. It seems like an uncommon issue, and based on the info, it's probably something specific to my computer.
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    Davide Alidosi

    Davide Alidosi said over 9 years ago:

    The gray bar is normal because MMtoKey in May9 version load up an overlay layer to enable multiple button mouse configuration. Please check this in an empty scene: 1) Open script editor 2) Enabler echo all commands 3) Press and release Z on view-port 4) Check if the echo output is always this (when MM work and when not): MMtoKeyPress; source "menu_All_MM"; source "menu_MayaWindow_MM"; source "menu_MayaWindowAll_MM"; MMtoKeyRelease; MMtoKey.release() Actually I not understand how some time work or not, I'm on win 8.1 and Maya 2016 SP3 and never have this problem.
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    bosspanda said over 9 years ago:

    It does not, and it seems to make the top bar go grey the screen is losing focus. It actually started working the last time I brought maya up, and then it stopped working again.
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    Davide Alidosi

    Davide Alidosi said over 9 years ago:

    You are welcome! Please make one more check, when you keep press Z button the mouse icon changed?
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    bosspanda said over 9 years ago:

    Thank you for your quick response! I've tried reinstalling the preferences and then restarting the computer, and that does work, but it goes back to not working after a short time. Every other part of your setup is working great, including (for some reason) the other elements of the MMtoKey, such as the MM editor - everything but the marking menu itself. I've checked those files, and all the commands you listed exist in the scripts. Don't worry too much about solving this one, I can just integrate your system into my shelf-based workflow. I was sort of just hoping there was some quick hotfix I was overlooking.
  • spurv3d

    spurv3d said over 9 years ago:

    This is weird... at work I cant see the Outliner / Sel Set panel nor the Interactive playback icon apears , at home the Z-Marking Menu sometimes stop working.... Does Maya write to the files to change them? Is the userName/Maya folder the only containing user settings? Is maya usiing any other settings file outside of this folder?
  • spurv3d

    spurv3d said over 9 years ago:

    Ok, I found out where my problems were coming from, a second userSetup.mel. in C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Maya2016\scripts\userSetup.mel eval("source \"startup/GoZScript.mel\""); I gess if I add this line to May9's one everything will work.
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    Davide Alidosi

    Davide Alidosi said over 9 years ago:

    [quote=spurv3d]Ok, I found out where my problems were coming from, a second userSetup.mel. in C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Maya2016\scripts\userSetup.mel eval("source \"startup/GoZScript.mel\""); I gess if I add this line to May9's one everything will work.[/quote] So we have finally focus the problem, good to know that is related to GoZScript. Cheers, Davide

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