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mfRetime - retiming of animation via scrubbing 1.0.0 for Maya (maya script)

retime your animation by scrubbing in timeline

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  • 2011, 2010, 9.x, 2009, 2008, 8.x, 7.x, 6.x


Last Modified:02/08/2011
File Size: 12.9 KB
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  • martin freitag

    martin freitag said almost 13 years ago:

    Ok, what do you mean by how does it work? to make it work: *put the mfRetime.mel in your maya scriptfolder *define a HotkeyComand for Press-Hotkey: mfRetime(); *define a HotkeyComand for Release-Hotkey: mfRetimeRelease(); how it works: *select animated objects *while pressing you hotkey move the timecursor in the timeline forward by the speed you want the animation to be *release you hotkey and after some calculation you animation should look like the last scrubbing you did in forward direction this works the better the more keys you have in your animation, since it does not add keys - and of course the better your feedback (frame rate) is in maya the idea is to re time an animation via moving the time slider (You know the situation, when you scrub a quicktime of your animation and it feels right, but when you playback it real time its not exactly what you had in mind?)
  • Felipe Franco

    Felipe Franco said almost 13 years ago:

    I don't get it how does it work.

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