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mirrorPose (pymel) 1.1.0 for Maya (maya script)

allows you to mirror characterposes from symmetrical character and respect the local orientation of the controls

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  • 2012

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  • Windows


Last Modified:05/15/2012
File Size: 34.6 KB


Cant get this to work either...

Submitted by: wolfor wolfor
This looks really cool, and I'd love to get it to work.
I got as far as saving the txt file, but being too stupid to script the error:

has no meaning to me at all.
Thats what Maya tells me when I select something and hit save rig control properties, with 'save into default path' turned off. It I turn it on, i get
# Error: UnicodeDecodeError: file C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Maya2014\bin\\ line 108: ascii #
not much useful info for me either... Is there something I did wrong?
I tried Maya 2014, if I try in maya 2012, I get these error messages:
at startup:
import mirrorPose as mp

mp.mirrorPose ('C:\Users\wolfi\Documents\maya\2014-x64\scripts')
# Error: WindowsError: 3 #
and when trying to save the txt file:
# Error: CallbackError: Error executing callback <function <lambda> at 0x000000002C7B80B8> - <lambda> - module mirrorPose - C:/Users/wolfi/Documents/maya/scripts\, line 133

BTW, animators are no scripters, so they usually don't really know how to install a python script. Just sayin...

Replies to this question:

  • Replyindent

    wolfor said about 11 years ago:

    Hi! So, I tried Maya 2013, here's the error message: Original message: Traceback (most recent call last): File "C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Maya2013\Python\lib\site-packages\pymel\internal\", line 708, in callback res = origCallback( *newargs ) File "C:/Users/wolfi/Documents/maya/scripts\", line 139, in rangeExpansion = rangeSlider.getValue()), File "C:/Users/wolfi/Documents/maya/scripts\", line 284, in saveCharCtrls matchingCtrls, errors = self.getSameCtrls(allCtrls,allCtrls,axMatrix,rangeExpansion, prBar = prBar) File "C:/Users/wolfi/Documents/maya/scripts\", line 533, in getSameCtrls selWS = list(pm.xform(ctrl,query = True, ws = True, rp = True)) File "C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Maya2013\Python\lib\site-packages\pymel\internal\", line 134, in wrappedCmd res = new_cmd(*new_args, **new_kwargs) RuntimeError: No valid objects supplied to 'xform' command. # is that the because of the wrong version of pythjon, too? I find no illegal characers in any paths I use, I didn't edit the txt file, because it doesn't even get created. SOrry if I can't be of any more help to you... Thanks!
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    Elias F

    Elias F said about 11 years ago:

    Hey, thanks for using the script. The error could be caused by your python version. It was developed in Maya 2013 and Python Version 2.6. It seems that you are running it in 2014 with Python 2.7. Do you have an Maya 2013 version to test it there? Even the Error you got in Maya 2012 seems to use the Maya 2014 path. Did you add something to the txt file or do you use some foreign characters in the object names? The unicode error is usually caused by some illegal characters or stuff like this. I think I have to rewrite the script anyway sometime soon ...
  • wolfor

    wolfor said about 11 years ago:

    Hi! Thanks for getting back to me. I do have 2013 to Test it with but i wont be home before tonight, so please bear with me. I faintly remember different Python versions can create these problems but i forgot where to change the Python paths to former versions. I'll come back tonight to let you know what happened with 2013. Cheers, Wolfi

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