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OBJ[I/O] - OBJ Sequences Import/Export 4.0.2 for Maya (maya script)

This tool helps importing and exporting OBJ sequences and single OBJs

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Last Modified:08/26/2022
File Size: 26.5 KB


Maya to Element 3D: Disappearing Geometry

Submitted by: Lillian Young Lillian Young
Hi - I am having an issue with parts of the geometry disappearing once imported. I will explain.
1. I created a box in Maya. A simple square. I extracted the face to create a door that swings open to reveal the inside of the box. 
2. In Maya, I baked the animation into keyframes. It works in Maya.
3. Using your tool (the 3.0.0 version), I exported an OBJ sequence.
4. In E3D, I imported the OBJ Sequence.
The Result:
The door swings open properly like it did in Maya. BUT, the material disappears. If I turn the object, the material facing the camera appears. The material facing away disappears similarly to a clipping plane in Maya where if the object is out of view, it seems to disappear.
This is my first time using your script, so I clicked every button, trying multiple options including multiple options in Element 3D. I tried for about 2 hours before I decided to ask here.
Please let me kniw what I am doing wrong or if you need more info. 

Replies to this question:

  • anant dixit

    anant dixit said almost 6 years ago:

    Did you tried "Draw backfaces" option inside elemnt 3d. its 2nd last option in advance setting of material. 

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