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Quadruped Rigger -- automated rigging for four legged characters 1.1.1 for Maya (maya script)

Automated rigging for four legged characters in Maya to get a solid rig for animation with a short setup time.

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Last Modified:09/27/2016
File Size: 123 KB


animation, maya, mel, Rigging, Tips


Error message coming up in the end

Submitted by: Norey Norey
Hi! So I find your setup really awesome, I adjusted it to my cat and everything, built up the several body parts but as soon as I hit the "FInish Rig" button on the bottom, The window with the "building rig" status thingy comes up but it just freezes and Maya gives me this error message:

Error: file: C/Users/Kat/Documents/maya/scripts/quadrupedRigger/icORbuildSpine.mel line 33: No object matches name

I tried to re-install the rigger but same message again. Also I looked at the script and line 33 is about renaming the Spine's root joint which seems legit. Can you maybe help me? Because the rig is not usable then, it is there, I can even select the foot controls in the outliner, but it is not built up eintirely.



Replies to this question:

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    i clemens

    i clemens said over 11 years ago:

    Good to head that it works now. The skin binding problem is the most common issue amongst users. Go to the outliner and find a set which contains the skin joints - it's also labeled this way. Select all the joints, then your skin and in the smooth skin bind options choose "To Selected Joints" - thats's it
  • Replyindent
    i clemens

    i clemens said over 11 years ago:

    You still get the error in a fresh scene? I just tried it here and it works flawlessly.... As for the knees: there is currently no simply way to get rid of them. It's the way how the rig works. The only thing you can do is the customize the final rig to your needs. Sorry. The triangle is just for visual reference, how far the shoulder blade moves. It's not supposed to be touched. Ingo
  • Replyindent

    Norey said over 11 years ago:

    Hey! Wow thanks for the quick response :) In an empty scene it worked with all the controls this time, thanks for the tip! The error message appeared nonetheless but I found myself being able to use the rig now. Just one more question: your rig's front legs have knees in them - probably a good thing for a horse, but is there a way to turn them off or something when I am making a cat? I tried to move the knee joints all the way down so they would be just over the paws but that didn't work out too well with the IK's. OH and also, I can't seem to be able to touch the triangles above the shoulders to adjust the shoulderblade or something, is that supposed to be like that? Thanks a lot in advance! Norey
  • Replyindent
    i clemens

    i clemens said over 11 years ago:

    Hi, usually this happens when there is a node, like a locator, in the center of the scene which screws up the process. Try to build a rig in a fresh scene without anything else. If it runs through it's something with your scene. Let me know. Ingo
  • Norey

    Norey said over 11 years ago:

    Hey! thanks again for the ice response, I looked through earlier answered questions and my problem was simply to have made the rig too small (I had a shoulder height of 10-something instead of the default 150), after I tried that, it worked, woohoo! I'm now in the process of skinning and I dunno if you find this interesting and I don't want to bother you with more questions, but I tried "smooth bind skin" then edit the weights of the vertecies in the Paint Skin Weights tool but for some reason that tool would not load all the joints of the rig - only some root joints were in it at random (even tho I had all of them selected earlier) Which method did you use to skin your character?

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