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Quadruped Rigger -- automated rigging for four legged characters 1.1.1 for Maya (maya script)

Automated rigging for four legged characters in Maya to get a solid rig for animation with a short setup time.

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  • 2017, 2016, 2015, 2014, 2013, 2012, 2011, 2010, 9.x, 2009, 2008, 8.x

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Last Modified:09/27/2016
File Size: 123 KB


animation, maya, mel, Rigging, Tips


Scapula aim not rotating with main controller

Submitted by: Casey Reuter Casey Reuter
Hey I clemens, thanks for the autorigger. It's working really well, except for the fact that when i rotate the main controller the Aims for the scapula don't rotate with it. This results in some very bad things.

You can see in the image, I've got the main control rotated 90 degrees. Everything has rotated 90degrees with it except the scapula aims.

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    newlee said about 10 years ago:

    [quote=casey-reuter]Just found the solution in another thread from Nenno: Use this mel script and replace Udo with your rig name in all the places it's listed. string $ikL = "L_front_scapula_IKhandleUdo"; string $ikR = "R_front_scapula_IKhandleUdo"; delete $ikL $ikR; string $ik[] = `ikHandle -sol ikRPsolver -sj L_scapulaRoot_jntUdo -ee L_scapulaEnd_jntUdo`; $ik[0] = `rename $ik[0] $ikL`; parent $ik[0] L_front_scapulaIKconst_grpUdo; setAttr ($ikL + ".v") 0; poleVectorConstraint L_front_shoulder_jntUdo $ik[0]; $ik = `ikHandle -sol ikRPsolver -sj R_scapulaRoot_jntUdo -ee R_scapulaEnd_jntUdo`; $ik[0] = `rename $ik[0] $ikR`; parent $ik[0] R_front_scapulaIKconst_grpUdo; setAttr ($ikR + ".v") 0; poleVectorConstraint R_front_shoulder_jntUdo $ik[0];[/quote] Thank you man ! You and Nenno just save my life
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    Casey Reuter

    Casey Reuter said over 10 years ago:

    Just found the solution in another thread from Nenno: Use this mel script and replace Udo with your rig name in all the places it's listed. string $ikL = "L_front_scapula_IKhandleUdo"; string $ikR = "R_front_scapula_IKhandleUdo"; delete $ikL $ikR; string $ik[] = `ikHandle -sol ikRPsolver -sj L_scapulaRoot_jntUdo -ee L_scapulaEnd_jntUdo`; $ik[0] = `rename $ik[0] $ikL`; parent $ik[0] L_front_scapulaIKconst_grpUdo; setAttr ($ikL + ".v") 0; poleVectorConstraint L_front_shoulder_jntUdo $ik[0]; $ik = `ikHandle -sol ikRPsolver -sj R_scapulaRoot_jntUdo -ee R_scapulaEnd_jntUdo`; $ik[0] = `rename $ik[0] $ikR`; parent $ik[0] R_front_scapulaIKconst_grpUdo; setAttr ($ikR + ".v") 0; poleVectorConstraint R_front_shoulder_jntUdo $ik[0];

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