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Universal IK FK Switch and Match Tool 3.1.0 for Maya (maya script)

Match poses between IK/FK controls with any Rigg. Define and Store Controls in Node for faster use.

Button download


  • 2019, 2018, 2017, 2016

Operating Systems

  • Linux
  • Mac
  • Windows


Last Modified:11/23/2023
File Size: 16.8 KB



Submitted by: ralecaccia ralecaccia
i am trying to use the script on a rig we developed in house, but i encounter the following two problems:
-when asked to match, it doesnt change the value of the attribute up to 10 but instead only to 1 (even if the range has been specified as from 0 to 10).
-The match works perfectly only if the clavicle ctrl (to which the arm is attached) has no transformations on. If that is not hte case, than the macth is faulty, with the wirst over-rotated and arm twisting strangely.
Any suggestions?
Thank you!

Replies to this question:

  • monikag

    monikag said over 6 years ago:

    Thanks for using the Universal IK FK Switch and reporting your problems.
    Please download the latest version of the script (1.6) which has addressed some bug issues of earlier versions.
    For 1.
    When setting up your store nodes make sure you switch the Range as 0 to 10 instead of  0 to 1 and set 'Attribute 0 is' to the correct mode. Hit the Save/Update. Please see attached Image
    For 2.
    s this over-rotation occurring when switching from IK to FK or FK to IK? Are you rotating the clavicle or negative? Try setting a rotation offset if you notice flipping issues. Some Riggs require a 180 offset.
    Let me know how that goes,

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