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ZV Dynamics 2.0.0 for Maya (maya script)

Adds inertial behavior to any object in your scene

Button download


  • 2015, 2014, 2013, 2012, 2011, 2010, 2009, 2008, 8.x

Operating Systems

  • Linux
  • Mac
  • Windows


Last Modified:12/05/2010
File Size: 23.9 KB
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  • Ghanim AL-Ghanim

    Ghanim AL-Ghanim said almost 17 years ago:

    using maya 2008 ex2, follow the installation document but once I hit the script button from the shelf give me this message : # Error: No module named ZvDynamics can some one help me in Fixed!!!! put the script in C:\Documents and Settings\COMPUTER NAME\My Documents\maya\2008\prefs works with me 100%
  • MizzardKR

    MizzardKR said about 17 years ago:

    Fantastic script
  • baopao

    baopao said about 17 years ago:

    ....for MacOX user put the script in /Users/Shared/Autodesk/maya/2008/python/
  • withnail1972

    withnail1972 said about 17 years ago:

    Looks great, but couldn't load it. I'm on osx, which folder should I put the script in?
  • thematt

    thematt said about 17 years ago:

    Looks great, but the vids is blocked due to user bandwith exeeded..maybe post it on you tube? thnaks
  • Joel Anderson

    Joel Anderson said about 17 years ago:

    thank you, this really cool. ***** stars
  • leevice

    leevice said about 17 years ago:

    Oops... It seems like I forgot to include 2008 version! :/ All fixed now! Please download it again if you can't run it in Maya 2008 :) --------------------------------- if you want to know which folder you can place the script in, open the script editor and in python tab execute this: import sys "\n".join(sys.path)
  • Iosif Kefalas

    Iosif Kefalas said about 17 years ago:

    I can't call it either. same message "bad magic number..."
  • omar77

    omar77 said about 17 years ago:

    hi i can not use it , i got this : # Error: Bad magic number in C:/Documents and Settings/Administrator/My Documents/maya/scripts\ZvDynamics.pyc # Traceback (most recent call last): # File "", line 1, in # ImportError: Bad magic number in C:/Documents and Settings/Administrator/My Documents/maya/scripts\ZvDynamics.pyc #
  • leif3d

    leif3d said about 17 years ago:

    This is really something! I can't wait to use this!

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