Spid192 added polyScatter -- Spread objects across a surface for Maya as a favorite Report 2016-09-27 20:26:12 UTC
The script focuses on scattering objects without any unnecessary cluttering or unwanted holes. (more)
Spid192 added Skiin for Maya as a favorite Report 2016-09-27 20:23:00 UTC
Evolutive weights / effector manager for Maya. Export Import large amount of deformer data (more)
Spid192 added Combine Separate Skinned Meshes Tool for Maya as a favorite Report 2016-03-14 23:35:22 UTC
Tool to make faster the process of rig/skinning to combine skinned meshes together (more)
Spid192 added edgeFlowMirror for Maya as a favorite Report 2016-03-14 23:31:03 UTC
mirrors skinCluster, Geometry and more - based on the edge flow of the polygon object. This means, the character could even be in a different pose ... (more)
Spid192 added SLiB | Browser for Maya as a favorite Report 2015-07-05 18:46:00 UTC
Manage and build up shader libraries. (more)
Spid192 added MakeHole for Zbrush as a favorite Report 2015-07-05 18:42:41 UTC
Quickly create holes in ZBrush. (more)
Spid192 added 1 Click Procedural Rock Generator (Now with retopology!) for Maya as a favorite Report 2015-06-17 02:10:21 UTC
Generate fully unique rocks and stalagmites in seconds using this fully procedural tool set. (more)
Spid192 added JB PerVert for Maya as a favorite Report 2015-06-17 02:08:53 UTC
Skin weights utility to see influence # Per Vertex (more)
Spid192 added DistributeAlongCurve(s)1.0.7.mel for Maya as a favorite Report 2015-06-16 23:27:07 UTC
Multi featured distribute objects on curve script. Multiple curves, multiple objects and more..... (more)
Spid192 added Curve on Mesh for Maya as a favorite Report 2015-06-16 23:25:55 UTC
Draws a curve on a mesh (more)