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RH AutoRig 3.2.3 for Maya (maya script)

An auto biped rigger with some extra tools

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Last Modified:12/16/2016
File Size: 255 KB


Rig, maya, Rigging, Auto rig


one joystick for 8 blendshapes?

Submitted by: numnah numnah

Hi Nick,

how should I use the joysctick with 8 blendshapes (Top left, Top, Top Right etc.)? I have prepared 8 blendshapes and placed them in each place but then I get double deformations. When I use 4 blendshaped (top, bottom, left right) then everything is ok. But when I follow the same procedure for 8 blendshapes, it doesn't look good.


Replies to this question:

  • Nick Dupree

    Nick Dupree said over 11 years ago:

    Hey, I guess I should have clarified this in the video. The slider is made to only support a maximum of 4 connections. It is designed to be either an up, down, left, right or an upper l, upper r, lower l, lower r slider. If you mix diagonal connections with normal connections you will get wonky results. Hope this helps, Nick.
  • Replyindent

    numnah said over 11 years ago:

    Thanks for enormously quick reply! Yeah, it wasn't intuitive to work this way. I regret it is not possible to use 8 blend shapes. This would give full control over blending. Anyways, it's still very helpful. Marta
  • Nick Dupree

    Nick Dupree said over 11 years ago:

    What kind of slider are you trying to setup? Maybe I could help you. 8 blendshapes on one slider seems like mega overkill.
  • numnah

    numnah said over 11 years ago:

    You think so? I was doing lip sync setup with open close narrow wide shapes. With 4 blend shapes I get mathematical shapes for narrow-open, wide-open which are not perfect. But maybe my base shapes weren't good enough. Probably lack of experience ;)
  • Replyindent
    Nick Dupree

    Nick Dupree said over 11 years ago:

    for a sync controller if you nail the 4 main shapes you should be good. Once you start adding more shapes things get tangled and messy. Don't be afraid to start over with your shapes as well. Sometimes it's nice to get a fresh start.
  • numnah

    numnah said over 11 years ago:

    I already remodeled my blend shapes and 4 look good. But still this could be an interesting tool if 8 blendshapes were allowed. But blending should happen always only between 4. The joystic would work as 4 standard joysticks. Not simple setup, not doable with standard set driven key ;)

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