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jedit mel Syntax Highlighting Mode 9.0.0

jedit mel syntax highlighting mode

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Last Modified:11/09/2007
File Size: 29 KB
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  • JamesPiechota

    JamesPiechota said over 17 years ago:

    Good stuff - thanks for doing this.
  • kjaft

    kjaft said over 17 years ago:

    Hi, really cool thing, I use it for a long time now. Finally I decided to switch over to jedit 4.3pre10, working on either openSuse 10.1 (Java 1.5.0_07) or 10.2 x64Java 1.5.0_08). Everything runns finde except of the MayaEditor plug-in, that gives me the following error Message: "Cannot start: java.lang.UnsupportedClassVersionError: Bad version number in .class file. Try updating to a newer version of the plugin." What does that mean. Do I even need a newer JDK version? Cheers Felix
  • Mafelix

    Mafelix said over 17 years ago:

    Thank for the links and tutorial, but I cannot find anything about the mayaEditorMacro.bsh and mayaEditor.mel files you mention. Where are these found can you elaborate more on this?
  • *nix

    *nix said almost 18 years ago:

    > would be cool though if i didnt have to save it as mel file to see the pretty pretty colors pretty you can - just set your default edit mode to mel (look at the bottom of the "edit" section in your global settings)
  • splintah

    splintah said about 18 years ago:

    pretty pretty colors pretty would be cool though if i didnt have to save it as mel file to see the pretty pretty colors pretty
  • kurianos3d

    kurianos3d said about 18 years ago:

    thx for this .. its nice and first time i am able to view syntax highlight for mel in jedit :D anyway its nice thzx
  • zoster

    zoster said over 18 years ago:

    Hey, thanks to walcottd for mentioning the installation tip, but I am really new at this and still couldn't find out how to make the plugin work. I did this: 1. copied mel.xml to c:Program Files>jEdit>modes 2. edited the catalog file by putting the line walcottd mentioned before the lasrt line of the file 3. started jdeit. I typed some common syntax for maya (and not only) but it didn't highlight. So what did I do wrong or what didn't I do. I opened also the Plugin Manager but couldn't find the plugin there ( or maybe I don't know it's right name) Thaks I would really apreciate some help. [later edit]: I get it now, it only works if the file you are working on is *.mel, so if you open a new file, you have to save it as mel if you want to see the pretty colors
  • zero181

    zero181 said almost 19 years ago:

    thanks, it's really great to have syntax highligthing for mel! for me jEdit was an ideal choice since it runs on any platforms Maya does :-)
  • walcottd

    walcottd said over 19 years ago:

    It's so useful finding a syntax file online from someone who cares enough to author them. Be warned that jedit doesn't automatically pick up the mel.xml file. You have to add a few lines to the catalog file in the modes folder install directory-> jedit/modes <MODE NAME="mel" FILE="mel.xml" FILE_NAME_GLOB="*.mel" /> Then restart jedit.

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