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Dog 0.0.2 for Maya

Simple and user friendly rig.

Button download


  • 2014

Operating Systems

  • Windows


Last Modified:12/30/2015
File Size: 12.4 MB


maya rig, Rigging, Rig, animal

Feature Request

Mouth and Jaw

Submitted by:axelone axelone
It's a supercool rig awesome job, the only feature i miss is the jaw, it could be great to have some controls to open close mouth and control on the face especially on nose like flare etc. in a practical ui do you think is that possible?

Comments on this feature request:

  • ruthedaly

    ruthedaly said about 11 years ago:

    A jaw control would really help.
  • everplus

    everplus said about 11 years ago:

    your correct,to adding jaw control is not a big deal but there is no inner jaw and tongue's downloaded from Z brush software. if you are able to adding those mesh corrections then correct it and send it to me, i'll fix and update. regards Ramkrish
  • sergio_smith

    sergio_smith said about 9 years ago:

    Hey, Ram! This is Sergio. I've sent you the updated rig with face and stuff. This would be awesome if you'd share it here. Please mail me if you didn't get it sergio7smith(at)gmail(dot)com. Thanks!

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