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Game Jedi 0.0.1 for Maya

High-end game character.

Button download


  • 2009

Operating Systems

  • Windows


Last Modified:11/19/2010
File Size: 3.02 MB


Rig, maya, mel, face

Game Jedi

This is a "pseudo" game rig that I created a while back. I used this as a test-bed to, develop a library of rigging scripts, as a bit of research into usability and interaction and, of course, to create a cool rig. I've had this guy laying about for well over a year now, so I thought I'd share him to the world.

He comes with some supporting files to set-up extra functionality, so make sure you checkout the read-me for install guidelines. It's very simple, I promise.

Obligatory rig check-list:

  1. Full right mouse button implementation.

  2. GUI

  3. Parent switching

  4. Ik/Fk switching

  5. Full joint driven face set-up

  6. Dynamics implementation

  7. Structured selection sets

  8. Stretchy limbs (not really needed I guess :D)

  9. Knee/elbow pinning

This rig was made in Maya 2009, I'm pretty sure the right mouse scripts won't work with QT, so if your on Maya 2011 you'll probably have to do without that. Until I get around to seeing if I can get them to work.

This rig is for non commercial use only.

I hope you have fun with him.

Please use the Bug System to report any bugs.
Please use the Feature Requests to give me ideas.
Please use the Support Forum if you have any questions or problems.
Please rate and review in the Review section.

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