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Imam Characther 1.0.0 for Maya

reel characther with dinamyc hair

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  • 8.x


Last Modified:08/29/2009
File Size: 2.37 MB
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  • archfitters

    archfitters said almost 15 years ago:

    No texture files included. can you send them
  • Leatz Eppie

    Leatz Eppie said about 15 years ago:

    skeleton placement is still fine, try to add one more joint between elbow and wrist. controller is not complete. and your hand control channel is yellow color, this is not good. try to manage your layer and outliner, it is a mess. Animator won't be able to work well if the outliner is this mess. just like tcsimpson said, your texture file is missing.
  • flavoracid

    flavoracid said over 15 years ago:

    I am severely disappointed with this rig. The model is good, but the modeler has no concept of animation. I can't model for crap, let's get that straight. I can't do characters, or organic modeling, but I AM an animator. Your node connections are messed up, I see no character controls, your mesh is way too hi-res, and I'm at a complete loss for words. I am angry because I really wanted to work with this model. I don't even know how to turn the controls on for this character. Sincerely, stick to modeling. You have good mesh structure, a good model, but .. i gave up after 3 minutes of not even being able to turn the ting 'ON'.
  • tcsimpson

    tcsimpson said almost 16 years ago:

    I don't see very many controls at all. Also, you did not include your texture files in the .rar, so when the project is opened, there are several missing texture connections. Just make sure to include all your texture files, but mostly make sure there are controls for the rig other than just a face control and a main body controller. There is little that I can do with this at the moment. The jpg preview looks good so I hope to see the problems fixed on this one.

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