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Johnny The Box 2.0.0 for Maya

A character in the shape of a cube, with squash.

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  • 2008


Last Modified:04/15/2011
File Size: 703 KB

Feature Request


Submitted by:jkizumi jkizumi
Hey I saw your rig and I was just wondering do you have a tutorial on this? I have seen some tutorials online but all they have is just a tutorial on eyes and eyebrows on a fixed location. Would be great if there was one!

Comments on this feature request:

  • Raveen Rajadorai

    Raveen Rajadorai said almost 14 years ago:

    Hey Jkizumi, Well, at the moment there are no tutorials on it. Though, I will try and make one in the future if people would like to see how it was done. As a quick explanation. The way that the face was solved was by having a NURBS plane (you could use polygonal objects as well), which is hidden. It was large enough to hold all the face geometry in it, then I just applied a wrap deformer of the facial geometry onto the plane. This made sure that the face would move where-ever the plane moved. Now, I wrapped the plane onto the cube. The reason I didn't do a direct wrap onto the cube was so that I could cut down on blendshapes, so when I created corrective blendshapes, it had to be done for the plane and not each facial geometry, much easier to handle and cuts down on processing power as well. :) It's a pretty simple rig actually, nothing fancy. :D
  • Galib Xiang

    Galib Xiang said over 9 years ago:

    i'm a new guy starting to learn rigging. As a beginner, i've got some problem to understand about it's making. can you give tutorial???
  • bbruins

    bbruins said almost 9 years ago:

    I'm working with this rig to practice animations. Something strange has happened. There is a black shape that is separated from the box when the box moves. However, I can't select it. I think it belongs to the 'notouchy' group. Not sure what happened. Can you please assist? Thanks

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