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Sam 1.2.5 for Maya

a character that just wants to be animated

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  • 8.x, 7.x


Last Modified:11/27/2007
File Size: 772 KB

Here is another character that I felt like sharing with you all. His name is "Sam" and well, he's dying to see the world. He's had all of his shots and his passport is ready to go...

His strengths are:

1) fk/ik spine

2) fk / ik Arm and Legs

3) fk / ik matching on the arms

a. This will match the position of the fk controls to the ik arm and vice versa

4) fk / ik matching on the legs

a. This will match the location of the fk controls to the ik leg

5) Stretchy Arms, Legs, Spine

a. The body parts retain their volume during scaling as well.

6) Graphical User Interface (GUI)

a. Here is where you will find buttons for turning on and off the rig controls and also a section for controlling the fk/ik matching

b. There is also a button for selecting all of the controls for easy keying.

7) Spaceswitching

a. Some controls have the ability to switch between

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