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Simple Bot Rig for Maya 1.0.0 for Maya

Simple Bot Rig for Maya

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  • 8.x


Last Modified:12/16/2016
File Size: 4.74 MB
About 2-3 days ago, David ( created a very nice Character Rig (Simple Bot Rig 1.0.0) for XSI users and had me wanting it to play with it within Maya.

Yesterday, I made myself the task of importing Davids Simple Bot Rig mesh into Maya and created all the necessary controllers, facial rig, ZVGui interfase and a video in which it explains the usage of those controllers and scripts.  I have to give the proper credits to crumbly ( for his abAutorig 3.0 script which I slightly modified in order to work for this specific Rig, as well as my good friend Paolo Dominicis script ZVGUI ( which works as a GUI for easy selecting controllers without having to select each and every individual nurbs curve controller.  Needless to say this last script is worth every penny!!!

As per Davids Request, this is for you to play with, use it for your Demo Reels BUT NOT FOR COMMERCIAL PURPOSES.

Finally, if there is any modification you would like to make to it, please feel free to do so, just let me know in order to provide other people with the latest consolidated version, so this way we do not have every other peoples versions out there and confusing others about which is the latest / best one.

Happy Animating!!!!


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