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Squirrely! 2.0.3 for Maya

Squirrely 2, now with a face rig!

Button download


  • 2011, 2010, 2009

Operating Systems

  • Mac
  • Windows


Last Modified:08/12/2010
File Size: 23.1 MB


Squirrely was originally developed by Josh Burton ( as a quadruped rig.  I, David Andrade ( went in and added a lot of new features mostly to the face and cleaned up some other work.Recall script for quick selection written by Bryan Ewert

New Features:
  • New eye controls: eyelids, eyebrows, and individual eye controls and kept old joystick for eyes as well
  • New Face controls: corners, lips, middle of lips, nose, cheeks and a jaw.  
  • Bottom lip will deform correctly with top tooth depending on proximity of lip to teeth.
  • Fixed weights throughout body, should stretch correctly on arms and legs now
  • Ears now FK allowing for more freedom of bending.  Still includes stretchy ears
  • Independent hip control for FK and IK.  This way you can adjust hips without affecting the rest of the body
  • Added a second level of shoulder controls on top of the current ones
  • New UVs, including switch over to PNGs for rapid updating in Maya.  Includes a new color: orange.  Also included PSD if people would like to modify colors or create a new skin (UV snapshot included.)
  • Cleaned up a lot of useless nodes, added new clusters and repainted some weights
  • New Layers for control controls or geometry
  • Included a recall + recall script of Squirrely for simple control grabbing.  Simply load recall.mel like any other script, and then click Load Character to load Squirrely's layout of controls.  Click on individual controls or on the entire name of the group to select all of them.  ONLY works if squarely is referenced!Overall he should run faster as many small weights were pruned and removed

  • Added Puffiness to lips
    Added cheek controls
    Cleaned up and added some new controls to lips (scales!)
    Added an IK Tail (mounted on 2nd tail control) with an aim
    This is different than an isolate in that the tail can be controlled  independently of the body!  Can follow World, Character, or Upper BodyFixed the way visibility showed the body - you can now show the arms but not the body, head but not the body, or just one arm, without any other controls, etc.
    Updated recall script (and added the main recall.mel!)  Just drop it into your maya shelf and run it!


  • Changed the way the controls and visibility are laid out on his Character
  • Updated Recall to make it easier to select and find controls


  • Added visibility of controls to Character control (big circle) and added new ones
  • Fixed pinch controls moving back of head verts
  • Moved Eyelid and Blinks from Face character set to Eyes character set THIS WILL lose blink and eyelid animation from 2.0.0!  Sorry!

  • His eye control doesn't behave exactly as anticipated.  I'm still trying to work out the kinks, if anyone has some thoughts do email me at daraand ( at )
  • The legs don't deform well with the knees up close.  You can use the repositions on the Pole Vector to offset them
  • He should work with previous versions of Maya if you just add Ignore Version or modify the ascii file - I have not tested this however 
  • He is not compatible (completely) with the old squirrely!  Only some of the body will transfer (as I removed certain controls that had no effects) and of course his face being rebuilt, those won't transfer either

      As always, tag Squirrely on Youtube, Vimeo etc.  My goal was to make Squirrely 2.0 a very good dialog rig on top of it's excellent quadruped abilities.


      Squirrely was originally developed by Josh Burton ( as a quadruped rig.  I, David Andrade ( went in and added a lot of new features mostly to the face and cleaned up some other work.Recall script for quick selection written by Bryan Ewert

      New Features:
      • New eye controls: eyelids, eyebrows, and individual eye controls and kept old joystick for eyes as well
      • New Face controls: corners, lips, middle of lips, nose, cheeks and a jaw.  
      • Bottom lip will deform correctly with top tooth depending on proximity of lip to teeth.
      • Fixed weights throughout body, should stretch correctly on arms and legs now
      • Ears now FK allowing for more freedom of bending.  Still includes stretchy ears
      • Independent hip control for FK and IK.  This way you can adjust hips without affecting the rest of the body
      • Added a second level of shoulder controls on top of the current ones
      • New UVs, including switch over to PNGs for rapid updating in Maya.  Includes a new color: orange.  Also included PSD if people would like to modify colors or create a new skin (UV snapshot included.)
      • Cleaned up a lot of useless nodes, added new clusters and repainted some weights
      • New Layers for control controls or geometry
      • Included a recall + recall script of Squirrely for simple control grabbing.  Simply load recall.mel like any other script, and then click Load Character to load Squirrely's layout of controls.  Click on individual controls or on the entire name of the group to select all of them.  ONLY works if squarely is referenced!Overall he should run faster as many small weights were pruned and remove

      • His eye control doesn't behave exactly as anticipated.  I'm still trying to work out the kinks, if anyone has some thoughts do email me at daraand ( at )
      • The legs don't deform well with the knees up close.  You can use the repositions on the Pole Vector to offset them
      • He should work with previous versions of Maya if you just add Ignore Version or modify the ascii file - I have not tested this however 
      • He is not compatible (completely) with the old squirrely!  Only some of the body will transfer (as I removed certain controls that had no effects) and of course his face being rebuilt, those won't transfer either

          As always, tag Squirrely on Youtube, Vimeo etc.  My goal was to make Squirrely 2.0 a very good dialog rig on top of it's excellent quadruped abilities.


          Please use the Bug System to report any bugs.
          Please use the Feature Requests to give me ideas.
          Please use the Support Forum if you have any questions or problems.
          Please rate and review in the Review section.

          People who favorited this item:

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            david andrade
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