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Mobility Game Animation Pack for Maya

290 Mobility Animations: A full set of game-ready, 3D character animations.


  • Check 16 Highend3d Quality Checked
  • Check 16 Purchase Guarantee
  • Check 16 Support Included


  • 2016

Operating Systems

  • Windows


Last Modified:12/09/2015
File Size: 274 MB


290 Mobility Animations: A full set of game-ready, 3D character animations to move your character around a virtual environment.

INCLUDING: Idles, Walking, Jogging, Running, Crouching, Turns, Hops, Jumps, Fidgets, Deaths and Transitions.

You can’t rescue the princess without taking the first step! Explore your 3D environment with variety and style using this large set of character motions.  

Allows for movement in four directions with crouches and jumps. Includes three speeds; walk, jog and run, with various strafing and backwards cycles. Also includes idle and turn animations with transitions.

  • Locomotions are included as traveling and in-place loops.

  • Moving Jumps are included as traveling and in-place motion.

  • All idles and transitions have been carefully pose-matched for seamless motion trees.

  • All locomotions are already created as clean one cycle loops; saving space and no need for further trimming.

  • The detailed motion captured transitions to and from Idles and locomotions are a big bonus; adding heightened realism compared to simple blending. A running character slamming on the brakes and checking his balance as he comes to a standing halt is impressive and dramatic.



Stand_Relaxed_Idle - Stand Relaxed loop
Stand_Relaxed_Idle_v2 - Stand Relaxed, more motion, loop
Stand_Relaxed_L_45 - Stand Relaxed in-place turn left 45
Stand_Relaxed_L_90 - Stand Relaxed in-place turn left 90
Stand_Relaxed_L_135 - Stand Relaxed in-place turn left 135
Stand_Relaxed_L_180 - Stand Relaxed in-place turn left 180
Stand_Relaxed_R_45 - Stand Relaxed in-place turn right 45
Stand_Relaxed_R_90 - Stand Relaxed in-place turn right 90
Stand_Relaxed_R_135 - Stand Relaxed in-place turn right 135
Stand_Relaxed_R_180 - Stand Relaxed in-place turn right 180
Stand_Relaxed_Jump - Stand Relaxed jump in-place
Stand_Relaxed_Jump_F - Stand Relaxed jump forward
Stand_Relaxed_Jump_B - Stand Relaxed jump backward
Stand_Relaxed_Jump_L - Stand Relaxed jump left
Stand_Relaxed_Jump_R - Stand Relaxed jump right
Stand_Relaxed_Hop - Stand Relaxed hop in-place
Stand_Relaxed_Hop_F - Stand Relaxed hop forward
Stand_Relaxed_Hop_B - Stand Relaxed hop backward
Stand_Relaxed_Hop_L - Stand Relaxed hop left
Stand_Relaxed_Hop_R - Stand Relaxed hop right
Stand_Relaxed_Fgt_v1 - Stand Relaxed waiting
Stand_Relaxed_Fgt_v2 - Stand Relaxed waiting
Stand_Relaxed_Fgt_v3 - Stand Relaxed waiting
Stand_Relaxed_Fgt_v4 - Stand Relaxed waiting
Stand_Relaxed_Conv_v1 - Stand Relaxed conversation
Stand_Relaxed_Conv_v2 - Stand Relaxed conversation
Stand_Relaxed_Conv_v3 - Stand Relaxed conversation
Stand_Relaxed_Conv_v4 - Stand Relaxed conversation
Stand_Relaxed_Death_B - Stand Relaxed death fall backward
Stand_Relaxed_Death_F - Stand Relaxed death fall forwards
Stand_Relaxed_Death_L - Stand Relaxed death fall left
Stand_Relaxed_Death_R - Stand Relaxed death fall right
Stand_Relaxed_To_Walk_L45_Fwd - Stand relax to turn left at 45 degrees and walk forward
Stand_Relaxed_To_Walk_L90_Fwd - Stand relax to turn left at 90 degrees and walk forward
Stand_Relaxed_To_Walk_L135_Fwd - Stand relax to turn left at 135 degrees and walk forward
Stand_Relaxed_To_Walk_L180_Fwd - Stand relax to turn left at 180 degrees and walk forward
Stand_Relaxed_To_Walk_R45_Fwd - Stand relax to turn right at 45 degrees and walk forward
Stand_Relaxed_To_Walk_R90_Fwd - Stand relax to turn right at 90 degrees and walk forward
Stand_Relaxed_To_Walk_R135_Fwd - Stand relax to turn right at 135 degrees and walk forward
Stand_Relaxed_To_Walk_R180_Fwd - Stand relax to turn right at 180 degrees and walk forward
Stand_Relaxed_To_Jog_L45_Fwd - Stand relax to turn left at 45 degrees and jog forward
Stand_Relaxed_To_Jog_L90_Fwd - Stand relax to turn left at 90 degrees and jog forward
Stand_Relaxed_To_Jog_L135_Fwd - Stand relax to turn left at 135 degrees and jog forward
Stand_Relaxed_To_Jog_L180_Fwd - Stand relax to turn left at 180 degrees and jog forward
Stand_Relaxed_To_Jog_R45_Fwd - Stand relax to turn right at 45 degrees and jog forward
Stand_Relaxed_To_Jog_R90_Fwd - Stand relax to turn right at 90 degrees and jog forward
Stand_Relaxed_To_Jog_R135_Fwd - Stand relax to turn right at 135 degrees and jog forward
Stand_Relaxed_To_Jog_R180_Fwd - Stand relax to turn right at 180 degrees and jog forward
Stand_Relaxed_To_Run_L45_Fwd - Stand relax to turn left at 45 degrees and run forward
Stand_Relaxed_To_Run_L90_Fwd - Stand relax to turn left at 90 degrees and run forward
Stand_Relaxed_To_Run_L135_Fwd - Stand relax to turn left at 135 degrees and run forward
Stand_Relaxed_To_Run_L180_Fwd - Stand relax to turn left at 180 degrees and run forward
Stand_Relaxed_To_Run_R45_Fwd - Stand relax to turn right at 45 degrees and run forward
Stand_Relaxed_To_Run_R90_Fwd - Stand relax to turn right at 90 degrees and run forward
Stand_Relaxed_To_Run_R135_Fwd - Stand relax to turn right at 135 degrees and run forward
Stand_Relaxed_To_Run_R180_Fwd - Stand relax to turn right at 180 degrees and run forward
Stand_Relaxed_Look_Center - Stand Relaxed look forward, aim offset pose
Stand_Relaxed_Look_D90 - Stand Relaxed look down 90, aim offset pose
Stand_Relaxed_Look_L90 - Stand Relaxed look left 90, aim offset pose
Stand_Relaxed_Look_LD45 - Stand Relaxed look left and down 45, aim offset pose
Stand_Relaxed_Look_LU45 - Stand Relaxed look left and up 45, aim offset pose
Stand_Relaxed_Look_R90 - Stand Relaxed look right 90, aim offset pose
Stand_Relaxed_Look_RD45 - Stand Relaxed look right and down 45, aim offset pose
Stand_Relaxed_Look_RU45 - Stand Relaxed look right and up 45, aim offset pose
Stand_Relaxed_Look_U90 - Stand Relaxed look up 90, aim offset pose
Stand_Relaxed_to_Run_L - Stand Relaxed to Run Left strafe
Stand_Relaxed_to_Run_R - Stand Relaxed to Run Right strafe
Stand_Relaxed_to_Crouch - Stand Relaxed to Crouch
Stand_Relaxed_to_Walk_F - Stand Relaxed to Walk Forward
Stand_Relaxed_to_Jog_F - Stand to Jog Forward
Stand_Relaxed_to_Run_F - Stand Relaxed to Run Forward
Stand_Relaxed_to_Jog_L - Stand to Jog Left strafe
Stand_Relaxed_to_Jog_R - Stand to Jog Right strafe
Stand_Relaxed_to_Jog_B - Stand to Jog Backward
Walk_F - Walk Forward loop
Walk_F_IP - Walk Forward loop in-place (128.19 cm/sec)
Walk_B - Walk Backward loop
Walk_B_IP - Walk Backward loop in-place (-103.02 cm/sec)
Walk_L - Walk Left Strafe loop
Walk_L_IP - Walk Left Strafe loop in-place (102.24 cm/sec)
Walk_L_BkPd - Walk Left Strafe Backpedal loop
Walk_L_BkPd_IP - Walk Left Strafe Backpedal loop in-place (116.42 cm/sec)
Walk_R - Walk Right Strafe loop
Walk_R_IP - Walk Right Strafe loop in-place (-116.42 cm/sec)
Walk_R_BkPd - Walk Right Strafe Backpedal loop
Walk_R_BkPd_IP - Walk Right Strafe Backpedal loop in-place (-102.24 cm/sec)
Walk_BL_BkPd_Loop - Walk Strafe 135 back and left backpedal loop
Walk_BL_BkPd_Loop_IP - Walk Strafe 135 back and left backpedal loop in-place
Walk_BR_BkPd_Loop - Walk Strafe 135 back and right backpedal loop
Walk_BR_BkPd_Loop_IP - Walk Strafe 135 back and right backpedal loop in-place
Walk_FL_Loop - Walk Strafe 45 forward and left loop
Walk_FL_Loop_IP - Walk Strafe 45 forward and left loop in-place
Walk_FR_Loop - Walk Strafe 45 forward and right loop
Walk_FR_Loop_IP - Walk Strafe 45 forward and right loop in-place
Walk_L_CIR - Walk Left Circle
Walk_R_CIR - Walk Right Circle
Walk_L_90 - Walk Forward, turn left 90
Walk_R_90 - Walk Forward, turn right 90
Walk_L_180 - Walk Forward, turn left 180
Walk_R_180 - Walk Forward, turn right 180
Walk_F_Jump - Walk Forward jump
Walk_F_Jump_IP - Walk Forward jump in-place
Walk_F_Jump_LU - Walk Forward jump left foot up, end is frame 18 of Walk_F cycle
Walk_F_Jump_LU_IP - Walk Forward jump left foot up in-place
Walk_F_Jump_RU - Walk Forward jump right foot up, end is frame 0 of Walk_F cycle
Walk_F_Jump_RU_IP - Walk Forward jump right foot up in-place
Walk_L_Jump - Walk Left Strafe jump
Walk_L_Jump_IP - Walk Left Strafe jump in-place
Walk_L_Jump_LU - Walk Left Strafe jump left foot up, end is frame 18 of Walk_L cycle
Walk_L_Jump_LU_IP - Walk Left Strafe jump left foot up in-place
Walk_L_Jump_RU - Walk Left Strafe jump right foot up, end is frame 0 of Walk_L cycle
Walk_L_Jump_RU_IP - Walk Left Strafe jump right foot up in-place
Walk_R_Jump - Walk Right Strafe jump
Walk_R_Jump_IP - Walk Right Strafe jump in-place
Walk_R_Jump_LU - Walk Right Strafe jump left foot up, end is frame 18 of Walk_R cycle
Walk_R_Jump_LU_IP - Walk Right Strafe jump left foot up in-place
Walk_R_Jump_RU - Walk Right Strafe jump right foot up, end is frame 0 of Walk_R cycle
Walk_R_Jump_RU_IP - Walk Right Strafe jump right foot up in-place
Walk_B_Jump - Walk Backward jump
Walk_B_Jump_IP - Walk Backward jump in-place
Walk_B_Jump_LU - Walk Forward jump left foot up, end is frame 18 of Walk_B cycle
Walk_B_Jump_LU_IP - Walk Forward jump left foot up in-place
Walk_B_Jump_RU - Walk Backward jump right foot up, end is frame 0 of Walk_B cycle
Walk_B_Jump_RU_IP - Walk Backward jump right foot up in-place
Stand_Relaxed_to_Walk_L - Stand Relaxed to Walk Left strafe
Stand_Relaxed_to_Walk_R - Stand Relaxed to Walk Right strafe
Stand_Relaxed_to_Walk_B - Stand Relaxed to Walk Backward
Walk_F_to_Stand_Relaxed - Walk Forward, transition to Stand Relaxed, long version
Walk_F_to_Stand_Relaxed_LU - Walk Forward, transition left foot up to Stand Relaxed
Walk_F_to_Stand_Relaxed_RU - Walk Forward, transition right foot up to Stand Relaxed
Walk_B_to_Stand_Relaxed - Walk Backward transition to Stand Relaxed, long version
Walk_B_to_Stand_Relaxed_LU - Walk Backward, transition left foot up to Stand Relaxed
Walk_B_to_Stand_Relaxed_RU - Walk Backward, transition right foot up to Stand Relaxed
Walk_L_to_Stand_Relaxed - Walk Left Strafe, transition to Stand Relaxed, long version
Walk_L_to_Stand_Relaxed_LU - Walk Left Strafe, transition left foot up to Stand Relaxed
Walk_L_to_Stand_Relaxed_RU - Walk Left Strafe, transition right foot up to Stand Relaxed
Walk_R_to_Stand_Relaxed - Walk Right Strafe, transition to Stand Relaxed, long version
Walk_R_to_Stand_Relaxed_LU - Walk Right Strafe, transition left foot up to Stand Relaxed
Walk_R_to_Stand_Relaxed_RU - Walk Right Strafe, transition right foot up to Stand Relaxed
Crouch_Idle - Crouch loop
Crouch_Idle_v2 - Crouch, more motion, loop
Crouch_L_45 - Crouch in-place turn left 45
Crouch_L_90 - Crouch in-place turn left 90
Crouch_L_135 - Crouch in-place turn left 135
Crouch_L_180 - Crouch in-place turn left 180
Crouch_R_45 - Crouch in-place turn right 45
Crouch_R_90 - Crouch in-place turn right 90
Crouch_R_135 - Crouch in-place turn right 135
Crouch_R_180 - Crouch in-place turn right 180
CrouchWalk_F - CrouchWalk Forward loop
CrouchWalk_F_IP - CrouchWalk Forward loop in-place (98.83 cm/sec)
CrouchWalk_B - CrouchWalk Backward loop
CrouchWalk_B_IP - CrouchWalk Backward loop in-place (-82.20 cm/sec)
CrouchWalk_L - CrouchWalk Left loop
CrouchWalk_L_IP - CrouchWalk Left loop in-place (104.80 cm/sec)
CrouchWalk_L_BkPd - CrouchWalk Left Backpedal loop
CrouchWalk_L_BkPd_IP - CrouchWalk Left Backpedal loop in-place (100.36 cm/sec)
CrouchWalk_R - CrouchWalk Right loop
CrouchWalk_R_IP - CrouchWalk Right loop in-place (-100.36 cm/sec)
CrouchWalk_R_BkPd - CrouchWalk Right Backpedal loop
CrouchWalk_R_BkPd_IP - CrouchWalk Right Backpedal loop in-place (-104.80 cm/sec)
CrouchWalk_BL_BkPd_Loop - CrouchWalk Strafe 135 back and left backpedal loop
CrouchWalk_BL_BkPd_Loop_IP - CrouchWalk Strafe 135 back and left backpedal loop in-place
CrouchWalk_BR_BkPd_Loop - CrouchWalk Strafe 135 back and right backpedal loop
CrouchWalk_BR_BkPd_Loop_IP - CrouchWalk Strafe 135 back and right backpedal loop in-place
CrouchWalk_FL_Loop - CrouchWalk Strafe 45 forward and left loop
CrouchWalk_FL_Loop_IP - CrouchWalk Strafe 45 forward and left loop in-place
CrouchWalk_FR_Loop - CrouchWalk Strafe 45 forward and right loop
CrouchWalk_FR_Loop_IP - CrouchWalk Strafe 45 forward and right loop in-place
Crouch_to_Stand_Relaxed - Crouch to Stand Relaxed
Crouch_to_CrouchWalk_F - Crouch, transition to Crouchwalk Forward
Crouch_to_CrouchWalk_B - Crouch, transition to Crouchwalk Backward
Crouch_to_CrouchWalk_L - Crouch, transition to Crouchwalk Left Strafe
Crouch_to_CrouchWalk_R - Crouch, transition to Crouchwalk Right Strafe
CrouchWalk_F_to_Crouch - Crouchwalk Forward, transition to Crouch, long version
CrouchWalk_F_to_Crouch_LU - Crouchwalk Forward, transition left foot up to Crouch
CrouchWalk_F_to_Crouch_RU - Crouchwalk Forward, transition right foot up to Crouch
CrouchWalk_B_to_Crouch - Crouchwalk Backward transition to Crouch, long version
CrouchWalk_B_to_Crouch_LU - Crouchwalk Backward, transition left foot up to Crouch
CrouchWalk_B_to_Crouch_RU - Crouchwalk Backward, transition right foot up to Crouch
CrouchWalk_L_to_Crouch - Crouchwalk Left Strafe, transition to Crouch, long version
CrouchWalk_L_to_Crouch_LU - Crouchwalk Left Strafe, transition left foot up to Crouch
CrouchWalk_L_to_Crouch_RU - Crouchwalk Left Strafe, transition right foot up to Crouch
CrouchWalk_R_to_Crouch - Crouchwalk Right Strafe, transition to Crouch, long version
CrouchWalk_R_to_Crouch_LU - Crouchwalk Right Strafe, transition left foot up to Crouch
CrouchWalk_R_to_Crouch_RU - Crouchwalk Right Strafe, transition right foot up to Crouch
Crouch_To_CrouchWalk_L45_Fwd - Crouch to turn left 45 degree and CrouchWalk forward
Crouch_To_CrouchWalk_L90_Fwd - Crouch to turn left 90 degree and CrouchWalk forward
Crouch_To_CrouchWalk_L135_Fwd - Crouch to turn left 135 degree and CrouchWalk forward
Crouch_To_CrouchWalk_L180_Fwd - Crouch to turn left 180 degree and CrouchWalk forward
Crouch_To_CrouchWalk_R45_Fwd - Crouch to turn right 45 degree and CrouchWalk forward
Crouch_To_CrouchWalk_R90_Fwd - Crouch to turn right 90 degree and CrouchWalk forward
Crouch_To_CrouchWalk_R135_Fwd - Crouch to turn right 135 degree and CrouchWalk forward
Crouch_To_CrouchWalk_R180_Fwd - Crouch to turn right 180 degree and CrouchWalk forward
Crouch_Look_Center - Crouch look forward, aim offset pose
Crouch_Look_D90 - Crouch look down 90, aim offset pose
Crouch_Look_L90 - Crouch look left 90, aim offset pose
Crouch_Look_LD45 - Crouch look left and down 45, aim offset pose
Crouch_Look_LU45 - Crouch look left and up 45, aim offset pose
Crouch_Look_R90 - Crouch look right 90, aim offset pose
Crouch_Look_RD45 - Crouch look right and down 45, aim offset pose
Crouch_Look_RU45 - Crouch look right and up 45, aim offset pose
Crouch_Look_U90 - Crouch look up 90, aim offset pose
Jog_F - Jog Forward loop
Jog_F_IP - Jog Forward loop in-place (346.60 cm/sec)
Jog_B - Jog Backward loop
Jog_B_IP - Jog Backward loop in-place (-248.39 cm/sec)
Jog_L - Jog Left Strafe loop
Jog_L_IP - Jog Left Strafe loop in-place (310.64 cm/sec)
Jog_L_BkPd - Jog Left Strafe Backpedal loop
Jog_L_BkPd_IP - Jog Left Strafe Backpedal loop in-place (327.02 cm/sec)
Jog_R - Jog Right Strafe loop
Jog_R_IP - Jog Right Strafe loop in-place (-327.02 cm/sec)
Jog_R_BkPd - Jog Right Strafe Backpedal loop
Jog_R_BkPd_IP - Jog Right Strafe Backpedal loop in-place (-310.64 cm/sec)
Jog_BL_BkPd_Loop - Jog Strafe 135 back and left backpedal loop
Jog_BL_BkPd_Loop_IP - Jog Strafe 135 back and left backpedal loop in-place
Jog_BR_BkPd_Loop - Jog Strafe 135 back and right backpedal loop
Jog_BR_BkPd_Loop_IP - Jog Strafe 135 back and right backpedal loop in-place
Jog_FL_Loop - Jog Strafe 45 forward and left loop
Jog_FL_Loop_IP - Jog Strafe 45 forward and left loop in-place
Jog_FR_Loop - Jog Strafe 45 forward and right loop
Jog_FR_Loop_IP - Jog Strafe 45 forward and right loop in-place
Jog_L_CIR - Jog Left Circle
Jog_R_CIR - Jog Right Circle
Jog_L_90 - Jog Forward, turn left 90
Jog_R_90 - Jog Forward, turn right 90
Jog_L_180 - Jog Forward, turn left 180
Jog_R_180 - Jog Forward, turn right 180
Jog_F_Jump - Jog Forward jump
Jog_F_Jump_IP - Jog Forward jump in-place
Jog_F_Jump_LU - Jog Forward jump left foot up, end is frame 11 of Jog_F cycle
Jog_F_Jump_LU_IP - Jog Forward jump left foot up in-place
Jog_F_Jump_RU - Jog Forward jump right foot up, end is frame 0 of Jog_F cycle
Jog_F_Jump_RU_IP - Jog Forward jump right foot up in-place
Jog_L_Jump - Jog Left Strafe jump
Jog_L_Jump_IP - Jog Left Strafe jump in-place
Jog_L_Jump_LU - Jog Left Strafe jump left foot up, end is frame 12 of Jog_L cycle
Jog_L_Jump_LU_IP - Jog Left Strafe jump left foot up in-place
Jog_L_Jump_RU - Jog Left Strafe jump right foot up, end is frame 0 of Jog_L cycle
Jog_L_Jump_RU_IP - Jog Left Strafe jump right foot up in-place
Jog_R_Jump - Jog Right Strafe jump
Jog_R_Jump_IP - Jog Right Strafe jump in-place
Jog_R_Jump_LU - Jog Right Strafe jump left foot up, end is frame 12 of Jog_R cycle
Jog_R_Jump_LU_IP - Jog Right Strafe jump left foot up in-place
Jog_R_Jump_RU - Jog Right Strafe jump right foot up, end is frame 0 of Jog_R cycle
Jog_R_Jump_RU_IP - Jog Right Strafe jump right foot up in-place
Jog_F_to_Stand_Relaxed - Jog Forward, transition to Stand Relaxed, long version
Jog_F_to_Stand_Relaxed_LU - Jog Forward, transition left foot up to Stand Relaxed
Jog_F_to_Stand_Relaxed_RU - Jog Forward, transition right foot up to Stand Relaxed
Jog_B_to_Stand_Relaxed - Jog Backward transition to Stand Relaxed, long version
Jog_B_to_Stand_Relaxed_LU - Jog Backward, transition left foot up to Stand Relaxed
Jog_B_to_Stand_Relaxed_RU - Jog Backward, transition right foot up to Stand Relaxed
Jog_L_to_Stand_Relaxed - Jog Left Strafe, transition to Stand Relaxed, long version
Jog_L_to_Stand_Relaxed_LU - Jog Left Strafe, transition left foot up to Stand Relaxed
Jog_L_to_Stand_Relaxed_RU - Jog Left Strafe, transition right foot up to Stand Relaxed
Jog_R_to_Stand_Relaxed - Jog Right Strafe, transition to Stand Relaxed, long version
Jog_R_to_Stand_Relaxed_LU - Jog Right Strafe, transition left foot up to Stand Relaxed
Jog_R_to_Stand_Relaxed_RU - Jog Right Strafe, transition right foot up to Stand Relaxed
Run_F - Run Forward loop
Run_F_IP - Run Forward loop in-place (630.44 cm/sec)
Run_L - Run Left Strafe loop
Run_L_IP - Run Left Strafe loop in-place (580.61 cm/sec)
Run_R - Run Right Strafe loop
Run_R_IP - Run Right Strafe loop in-place (-602.81 cm/sec)
Run_L_CIR - Run Left Circle
Run_R_CIR - Run Right Circle
Run_L_90 - Run Forward, turn left 90
Run_R_90 - Run Forward, turn right 90
Run_L_180 - Run Forward, turn left 180
Run_R_180 - Run Forward, turn right 180
Run_F_Jump - Run Forward jump
Run_F_Jump_IP - Run Forward jump in-place
Run_F_Jump_LU - Run Forward jump left foot up, end is frame 9 of Run_F cycle
Run_F_Jump_LU_IP - Run Forward jump left foot up in-place
Run_F_Jump_LU_Land_IP - Run Forward jump right foot up, end is frame 0 of Run_F cycle
Run_F_Jump_RU - Run Forward jump right foot up in-place
Run_F_Jump_RU_IP - Run Forward, transition to Stand Relaxed, long version
Run_FL_Loop - Run Strafe 45 forward and left loop
Run_FL_Loop_IP - Run Strafe 45 forward and left loop in-place
Run_FR_Loop - Run Strafe 45 forward and right loop
Run_FR_Loop_IP - Run Strafe 45 forward and right loop in-place
Run_F_to_Stand_Relaxed_LU - Run Forward, transition left foot up to Stand Relaxed
Run_F_to_Stand_Relaxed_RU - Run Forward, transition right foot up to Stand Relaxed
Run_L_to_Stand_Relaxed - Run Left Strafe, transition to Stand Relaxed, long version
Run_L_to_Stand_Relaxed_LU - Run Left Strafe, transition left foot up to Stand Relaxed
Run_L_to_Stand_Relaxed_RU - Run Left Strafe, transition right foot up to Stand Relaxed
Run_R_to_Stand_Relaxed - Run Right Strafe, transition to Stand Relaxed, long version
Run_R_to_Stand_Relaxed_LU - Run Right Strafe, transition left foot up to Stand Relaxed
Run_R_to_Stand_Relaxed_RU - Run Right Strafe, transition right foot up to Stand Relaxed

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