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cameraFrustum 3.0.0 for Maya (maya plugin)

A locator node that visualize the field of...

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  • 2009, 2008, 8.x, 7.x

Operating Systems

  • Mac
  • Windows


Last Modified:07/17/2009
File Size: 116 KB
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  • DRL

    DRL said over 14 years ago:

    Thanks a lot for great script! It really saved my project. But I've changed script's behavior a little for better fit my needs. So I'd like to share this edited (by me) version of script. Since I don't know the better way to do this, I'll post it right here, in this comment. If someone prefers my edition (you can read differences below), he (or she) can either replace zjCreateCameraFrustum procedure in original "cameraFrustumMenus.mel" file with following code or create additional ".mel" file with just the following code and source it in userSetup.mel AFTER original "cameraFrustumMenus.mel" file. Here is my code: /* This is DRL's fix for cameraFrustumMenus.mel v3.0.0 from LIMITATIONS: - This version of script requires that all the cameras are selected directly (not by selecting top group that contains all the cameras). - This script doesn't check if the camera already has cameraFrustum. Be careful and don't apply this script to such cameras, or they will have multiple cameraFrustums on top of each other. FIXES: - Script now works with multiple cameras selected at once - 'Near~' and 'Far Clip Plane' attributes are connected FROM camera TO cameraFrustumNode. - This attributes are connected through expression making front and back faces of cameraFrustumNode not to display while viewing through camera. - Generated cameraFrustums doesn't exist in any way at render time (Render Stats section). - Minor bugfix to prevent script from possible errors if there is also something but cameras in selection. */ global proc zjCreateCameraFrustum() { string $sel[] = `ls -sl`; if(`size $sel`
  • brjig

    brjig said about 15 years ago:

    cant get it to work on maya 2009 for mac getting // Error: The destination attribute 'unknown1.nearClip' cannot be found. help please
  • Thad Johnson

    Thad Johnson said over 15 years ago:

    Tried it with Maya 2010 and it works great! Thanks. There is a bit of a scale issue with the far clip plane distance but is easily compensated for.
  • speculart

    speculart said about 17 years ago:

    // Error: The destination attribute 'unknown1.nearClip' cannot be found. in maya 2008 and maya7
  • Alin Sfetcu

    Alin Sfetcu said over 18 years ago:

    a release for Maya 8 will be very nice !
  • spleek

    spleek said over 18 years ago:

    would like to use but older plugins dont work.

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