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multiConnectAttr 1.1.0 for Maya (maya plugin)

Do multiple connections at once & custom undo/doit

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  • 2008, 8.x

Operating Systems

  • Linux
  • Mac
  • Windows


Last Modified:04/26/2008
File Size: 14.9 KB

multiConnectAttr allows for multiple attribute connections at one time with the option for a custom undo/doIt commands in ethier Python or MEL based off a list/array. Useful for updating a GUI that does not normally allows for undos.

Python Example (Create 4 nurbsSpheres):
import maya.cmds as cmds
doItCmd = 'print("Custom doit command executed")'
undoCmd = 'print("Custom undo command executed")'
conList = ['nurbsSphere1.tx','nurbsSphere2.tx','nurbsSphere3.tx','nurbsSphere4.tx']
cmds.multiConnectAttr( conList, force=True, lock=True, dip=doItCmd, udp=undoCmd)

#The doItCmd will execute along with multiConnectAttr and the undoCmd will execute when you undo multiConnectAttr

Synopsis: multiConnectAttr [flags] [String...]

-dim -doItMEL String Pass a custom MEL command(s) that is executed when multiConnectAttr is called
-dip -doItPython String Pass a custom Python command(s) that is executed when multiConnectAttr is called
-f -force
Forces the connection. If the destination is already connected, the old connection is broken and the new one made.
-h -help
Displays help. Note: The command will NOT execute any connections.
-l -lock on|off If the argument is true, the destination attribute is locked after making the connection. If the argument is false, the connection is unlocked before making the connection.
-na -nextAvailable
If the destination multi-attribute has set the indexMatters to be false with this flag specified, a connection is made to the next available index. No index need be specified.
-udm -undoMEL String Pass a custom MEL command(s) that is executed when multiConnectAttr is undone
-udp -undoPython String Pass a custom Python command(s) that is executed when multiConnectAttr is undone



If the custom doIt command causes an error, the multiConnectAttr will NOT be executed.
To comply with Maya's rules when dealing with custom commands that changes the state of the scene, the custom

undo command will NOT cause the multiConnectAttr's undo to fail. However, multiConnectAttr will dislay an error that the custom undo failed when Maya goes into idle.


Will successfully make connections between surfaces and shading groups without having to disconnect the shape from the orginal shading group.


Return Value:
Return True if the multiConnectAttr was successful.


There are two folders inside the zip file. Drop the files in your plug-ins directory and load the

Python 2.4.3 ( Maya 8.5)
Python 2.5.1 ( Maya 2008)


There is a new version of Maya's updateBinMembershipAfterConnection.mel that when dropped in your scripts path will update the hypershade when using multiConnectAttr.


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