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Ripple Deformer 1.5 for Maya (maya plugin)

Sends a wave-like ripple through any...

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  • 4.x, 3.x
Sends a wave-like ripple through any deformable geometry including polys, nurbs, subds, or lattices. Great for creating the animated base waves for an ocean surface, for making quick boulders or asteriods, or for sending animated ripples through your character's body, like some sort of space warping effect. Many active history node attributes allow you to modify, connect or animate it's effect across time. The Ripple Deformer creates multi-dimensional ripples through geometry using several user defined sine & cosine waves that overlap each other to deform the object's vertices relative to thier current location. Full control over frequency, amplitude (ripplePower), offset, and much much more. Have fun & enjoy.

v 1.5 updates:

*Added attribute option to turn off ripple deformation on X Y or Z...

*Added new ripple type "sombrero", which creates the type of ripple you would expect to see from "throwing a pebble into a pond" - per request ;-)

Thanks to everyone for emailing me and for the great feedback!

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