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wobble 0.9.6 for Maya (maya plugin)

A noise-based deformer

Button download


  • 2018, 2017, 2016, 2015

Operating Systems

  • Linux
  • Windows


Last Modified:11/28/2017
File Size: 1.24 MB


Release 2015

Submitted by: kjaft kjaft
Hi there,
please use this thread for feedback. There a a few things to consider in this release:

  • In Maya 2015, Viewport 2.0 is the default. This causes the wobble locator and manipulator not to be visible anymore. It requires some additional coding do support Viewport 2.0, so I set priority on the 2015 release first and an according update will follow some time. I think it is not that crucial, because it is accessible in the Attribute editor of the deformed object. Otherwise you can still use the "Legacy Default Viewport".
  • The windows installer does not replace an old installation for now. It should, but I just could not figure it out yet and preferred not to let people wait anymore for the new release. It should not be a serious problem, but I recommend uninstalling the old version before installing the new one.
  • I had some feedback that the 2014 Mac OSX version does not work. I unfortunately could not yet care about that, so I focused on a working 2015 version for now. Hopefully will find the time to care about that.

Any kind of feedback appreciated!

Thanks for using my software.



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