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wobble 0.9.6 for Maya (maya plugin)

A noise-based deformer

Button download


  • 2018, 2017, 2016, 2015

Operating Systems

  • Linux
  • Windows


Last Modified:11/28/2017
File Size: 1.24 MB


wobble disappearing in batch rendering

Submitted by: kjaft kjaft
Hi there, I am answering here to several reports that wobble does not render in batch rendering.

Unfortunately, I could not reproduce the Problem at my place in several tests, on Windows and Linux, trying Maya Software renderer as well as mental ray.

So next try: google. I found at least two interesting threads:

It is also necessary for me to have more information:
  1. On which OS, which Maya version, which machine does this problem occur?
  2. Which Renderer is used. I case of mental ray: is satelite rendering used?
  3. It is a batchrendering from within Maya, with the batch renderer or even on a renderfarm? Are you aware that when rendering on more/other than the local machine, the other machines need to have the plugin installed as well.

Hoping that together we can find a solution.


Replies to this question:

  • Sugarcane

    Sugarcane said over 8 years ago:

    1. Windows 10, Maya 2016. And at another computer on Windows 7 enterprise Maya 2016. Both student versions 2. Maya Software 3. Batch rendering within Maya, on the same machine Geometry cache-ing renders out the geometry. However, it only saves the first frame and the wobble doesn't move for the rest of the render.

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