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Active camera lock toggle 1.0.0 for Maya (maya script)

it locks active camera's translate, rotate and scale channels

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  • 2014, 2013, 2012, 2011, 2010, 2009, 2008

Operating Systems

  • Windows


Last Modified:02/08/2014
File Size: 1.08 KB



1.Description   - This script allows you to lock a camera position in place by locking its channel box attributes (translate, rotate and scale) in a toggle way without having to manualy select the camera, the script will lock the camera of the active viewport.

2.Install a) copy "do_lock_camera.mel" to your Maya's scripts directory (Example: "C:\...\Documents\maya\version\scripts").  b) Start Maya. If you have it already open type "rehash" in the command window and execute. c) the script should be sourced now ...  If it isn't then u can manualy source it from the Script Editor (Window--> General Editors --> Script Editor).

3.How it works  - Make sure you have a viewport active like perspective, top, right etc or other custom camera. And when you decide that you want to lock its position just run this script command: "lock_camera()"4.Issues - None so far
This script may be freely distributed. Use/Modify at your own risk!Special thanks to Zhang Jian for his getCurrentCamera() script(

// Dragos Olariu//

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