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Align Tool 1.8.0 for Maya (maya script)

A mel script mimics the align tool of 3ds Max

Button download


  • 2014, 2013, 2012, 2011, 2010, 2009

Operating Systems

  • Linux
  • Mac
  • Windows


Last Modified:04/02/2014
File Size: 6.97 KB


maya, mel


Script Command To Execute Script

Submitted by: Marvin Fisher Marvin Fisher
Looked all over but can't find the command to type in to execute the script. Also opened the script file but didn't see it there either.

Replies to this question:

  • Replyindent

    PhateX said over 10 years ago:

    Actually it's not a bug. Since it's just a small project, I didn't package it into a single procedure, I will upload a new version to fix this after I finish the whole mass stuff at school. For now, you can load the script in script editor and select all the code and run it or drag the code to the shelf. Thanks for reminding me~
  • Democaliber

    Democaliber said about 10 years ago:

    All you need to do is go to File>Save Script to Shelf (after you loaded it). It will then create a button on the shelf. You'll then be able to modify its appearance as you see fit. Having a specific call function isn't really so much of a bug as it is a slight inconvenience for some people. Either way, this script is marvelous and was EXACTLY what I needed.

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