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..:Animation Curve Editor:.. 1.1 for Maya (maya script)

..:Animation Curve Editor:.. is a tool that...

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Last Modified:04/24/2005
File Size: 19.4 KB
..:Animation Curve Editor:.. is a tool that helps with animation. Like most scripts out there it creates a curve for am animated object BUT it also allows you to modify the animation without copying the animation to a curve and than setting the object to follow that curve. It won't modify the position of the keyframes or make the object follow any path.

Features :

1. It lets you set Start and End curve values.

2. If the values are not correct it finds the closest keyframe.

3. It displays a grayed pointed curve for the animation left outside the given range.

4. U can update the curve and the controllers if u add a new keframe.

5. Works on simple objects and grouped or complicated rigs.


== Fiexed in version 1.1 is the full path name of the object, helping with multiple objects with the same name and objects under parents with the same name.

Help is available in the menu of the script. Updates will be posted when ready.
Suggestions and Feedback is always welcomed. Enjoy !

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