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Animation Tools 2.1.2 for Maya (maya script)

A tool for quick acess, skip and filtering of annoying animation tasks.

Button download


  • 2015, 2014, 2013, 2012, 2011

Operating Systems

  • Windows


Last Modified:08/26/2014
File Size: 24.2 KB

Version History

2.0.2 : Fixed a bug where when the K button was pressed without entering a desired hotkey, it would close Maya instantly.
2.0.3 : Fixed a bug where if 2 characters were entered to be a hotkey, it would close Maya. 
2.1.0 : Added the scale UI and hotkeyable KeyOffsetter. 
2.1.1 : Added tools to a modified version of the graph editor for better acessibility. 
2.1.2 : Fixed some functions, made the buttons in the graph editor toggles but kept the clear button too.