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animHUD 1.0.5 for Maya (maya script)

toggles custom scene HUD for animator

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  • 2009, 2008

Operating Systems

  • Windows


Last Modified:04/06/2010
File Size: 13.3 KB
version 1.0.5

cleaning up a scene from a script node used by animHUD after disabling
version 1.0.4

disabling of the animHUD now removes expressions used for refreshing of the timecode & frames
version 1.0.3
fixed bug with preferences which are being messed up if you open preference window
along with animHUD. This issue was leadind MaYa to be enable to start (damn scary for sure).
It appeared that MaYa requires "HUDViewAxis" element to be present in HUD for
preferences functionality, so, it was added in animHud with "0" visibility.

This script toggles off all your current HUDs and enables custom "animHUD" with following elements:

(system user name)             camera name                 frame counter (current frame / end frame)
date (system date)                            camera focal length         time code (second : frame)

Elements was choosen as most valuable info for directors while working on "Masha & the Bear" animation series.


Type "animHUD" in command line to toggle between animHUD and MaYa default HUD.

please, note:

  • Time code calculated from 1-st frame so if your animation starts from negative frame you'll get negative time code
  • Script can't restore back your custom mel HUDs. only MaYa default HUD will be restored.
  • Those, who wants to keep their current HUD colors, should find two following code lines:
         //----- HUD colors -----
         displayColor -dormant headsUpDisplayLabels 18;
         displayColor -dormant headsUpDisplayValues 17;

                and comment them with "//" like this:

         //----- HUD colors -----
         // displayColor -dormant headsUpDisplayLabels 18;
         // displayColor -dormant headsUpDisplayValues 17;

  • if you save your scene with animHUD enabled, two small expressions will be stored with it. To avoid this you should turn off animHUD before saving your scene.


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