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Automated "Animator Friendly Rigging" 1.0.6 for Maya (maya script)

Automated "Animator Friendly Rig" with all its wonderful features

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  • 2010, 2009, 2008, 8.x

Operating Systems

  • Windows


Last Modified:01/24/2011
File Size: 47.4 KB


jason schleifer


second rig failure

Submitted bytheskydreamer theskydreamer
-when i try to make the second rig the script stops after making torso_joint and parent them hip and shoulder joint; doesn't delete the dummy grp
-script give this error: Error: Cannot convert data of type float[] to type float.
in the and as i sad doesn't finish the torso
maya 2010 good luck yo

Comments on this bug:

  • theskydreamer

    theskydreamer said about 15 years ago:

    - me again locating the problem float $or_x=`getAttr "torso_1_skin.jointOrientX"`; float $or_y=`getAttr "torso_1_skin.jointOrientY"`; float $or_z=`getAttr "torso_1_skin.jointOrientZ"`; right before exec this part maya stops with that error because it doesn't like using the same variable $or_*, i saw that if i rename them than jumps a step till the next reused var -next probl is that i don't like the locked node cause i can't rename as i want the rig, maybe u could do a pop up rename with sufix for all those nodes to be locked , and then lock the nodes this one: "select -r all_anim body_anim... ...unlockNode -l 1;"
  • theskydreamer

    theskydreamer said about 15 years ago:

    - me again locating the problem float $or_x=`getAttr "torso_1_skin.jointOrientX"`; float $or_y=`getAttr "torso_1_skin.jointOrientY"`; float $or_z=`getAttr "torso_1_skin.jointOrientZ"`; right before exec this part maya stops with that error because it doesn't like using the same variable $or_*, i saw that if i rename them than jumps a step till the next reused var -next probl is that i don't like the locked node cause i can't rename as i want the rig, maybe u could do a pop up rename with sufix for all those nodes to be locked , and then lock the nodes this one: "select -r all_anim body_anim... ...unlockNode -l 1;"
  • theskydreamer

    theskydreamer said about 15 years ago:

    - me again locating the problem float $or_x=`getAttr "torso_1_skin.jointOrientX"`; float $or_y=`getAttr "torso_1_skin.jointOrientY"`; float $or_z=`getAttr "torso_1_skin.jointOrientZ"`; right before exec this part maya stops with that error because it doesn't like using the same variable $or_*, i saw that if i rename them than jumps a step till the next reused var -next probl is that i don't like the locked node cause i can't rename as i want the rig, maybe u could do a pop up rename with sufix for all those nodes to be locked , and then lock the nodes this one: "select -r all_anim body_anim... ...unlockNode -l 1;"
  • wajdyf

    wajdyf said about 15 years ago:

    You need to rig every one in a separate file and import them , Please see the WIP section of the description

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