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Batch UV Snapshot 2.0.0 for Maya (maya script)

performs UVsnapshot for each selected object

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  • 2010, 9.x, 2009, 2008, 8.x

Operating Systems

  • Windows


Last Modified:09/09/2009
File Size: 1.61 KB


Some files fail to output

Submitted by: jlevine66 jlevine66
I just downloaded this script, and for quite a few files the snapshots are being created...its fantastic.
However, some of the files will not export. I'm not sure why they are failing to export, a regular UV snapshot of the same file works fine, and as I said, other files do export fine.
The only info I get in the Script Editor output window is...
// // Saved file: C:\Users\jimle\Documents\The_Art_Institute\Port I\Maya\images\UVs\\Exterior_Siding|Window_Sill3_UV.png //
// Error: line 55: Failed to open output file: C:\Users\jimle\Documents\The_Art_Institute\Port I\Maya\images\UVs\\Exterior_Siding|Window_Sill3_UV.png //
line 55 is this
            uvSnapshot -aa -n ($path+ "\\\\" + $node[$i]+"_UV"+$ff) -xr $Uw -yr $Vw -o -ff $ff;
Is my path length to long? I tried reordering the file in Outliner, to a location that did export files, but this still fails.
I have also verified that the file has NOT already been made. I though maybe if the file already existed and the script was trying to overwrite, then that might make it fail.
I'm at a lose... thoughts, ideas???
Thank you,

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